Chapter 40: Some Good Ol' Fashioned Stalking

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I wait until everyone goes to sleep and I go out on my balcony.

I jump off the edge and make my harness fly and perch in a tree right outside the building so I'll be able to see them when they come outside.

after about thirty minutes of waiting, and me almost falling asleep in the tree and falling to my death, they finally come out.

"Kacchan, what did you want to talk about?" Deku asks sounding nervous.

"follow me" he mutters and Deku follows him.

I float behind the trees and continue to follow the two silently.

"Kacchan how far are we going? we shouldn't be walking around in the middle of the night" Deku says after a bit of walking.

"hello?" he calls after Bakugo who only replies with silence.

we soon arrive at ground beta.

"you brought us to ground beta?" Deku asks while I find a nearby alley-way to hide in.

"this is the place where we had our first combat training. where I fought you and lost" he mutters not facing him.

oh yeah I remember that, Deku kicked his ass.

"you've always made me sick. you know that right Deku?" Bakugo says.

"you were useless, no power at all, a joke. so now you're gonna tell me how you managed to get into this damn school with a brand new quirk that appeared outta nowhere." he asks threateningly.

what does he mean 'quirk that appeared out of nowhere'? Deku didn't have a quirk before? wait then how did he get his quirk?

I'm deeply confused.

"I didn't understand what you meant back then because what you were saying made no sense. but still, you kept climbing higher and higher. always looking so satisfied with yourself. ever since that sludge villain, no, it actually started when All Might came to town. you just got better and better until finally, you passed the licensing exam while I failed. how the hell is that even possible?" he asks himself.

"that wasn't a matter of ability though-" he starts

"shut up and listen you damn nerd!" he yells making Deku flinch.

what is up with this guy?

"s-sorry" he stammers

"it pissed me off that I'd been beaten by such a pathetic weakling, but after seeing what happened to All Might at Kamino ward, I began to understand..." he continues.

Bakugo swivels his head giving Deku a side glare.

"I've been giving it a lot of thought, you got your quirk from All Might, didn't you? he gave you his power" Bakugo says making Deku grow even more nervous.

he's right isn't he. it all make sense. Deku is like All Might's son, because he is his successor. that's why they're so close, and that's why his quirk broke his body so much in the beginning, because it wasn't suited to his body.

"I heard about that boss villain. apparently he has the ability to steal a person's quirk and give it to somebody else. which sounds kinda crazy, but then one of those old cat ladies had her power taken from her and can't work anymore. and then you met All Might, and you started changing." he continues.

"then he lost his power and had to retire, just like her. I remember what he said after he be the big bad, we all heard it. back then, you were the only one who really understood what he meant. theres more evidence too, like how those Nomu monsters had multiple quirks, even though it seemed impossible." 

he narrows his gaze.

"besides... All Might and that boss villain knew each other, before that fight. quirks can move from one person to another. All Might knew the guy that could do it, and somehow it's all connected to what you said about getting your quirk from someone else." 

Deku sorta nods showing that he's right about this.

"I asked All Might about this, in a way. but he wouldn't give me a straight answer. that's why you're going to tell me the truth!" he says taking a step forward.

Deku looks down clenching his fists and beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"you're not trying to deny anything. which means I must be right, so say it." 

Deku looks up at him.

"okay, what if it's true?" Deku says.

"you and I both wanted to be just like All Might when we were growing up. But I was the one who had the potential. then somehow, a little nobody like you was singled out by the person I admire the most, and I didn't even realize it. that's why we're here" he says getting angrier.

he holds out a hand.

"you and I are settling this. right here, right now" he says glaring at him.

"wait what? how is that the best this to settle things. no. this is bad! we're not even supposed to be at Ground Beta by ourselves." he says waving his arms in the air.

"why don't we talk about this during one of our free periods? we could reserve a training room or something. there's no reason it has to be right now." he continues trying to get out of this.

"if we fight for real at school, we'll be stopped. I want to know what made All Might give his power to a loser like you. let me see for myself."

"y-you really wanna fo this?" Deku stammers taking a step back.

"if you really don't want to get hurt, punch back, oh yeah you switched to using kicks more these days, didn't you?" Bakugo says doing arm stretches.

"come one! stops! this isn't smart!" Deku tries to stop him but he brings his arms behind him and blasts himself forward.

"Kacchan no!" he yells as he lunges at him.

should I stop them? I don't want to get pulled into this fight. I think I'll let them brawl but if it gets too out of hand I'll step in. I don't want Deku to get hurt too badly.

also I don't want him to know I was creeping on him. that'd just be embarrassing. and what will I even do with this information I've learned? I think it's best to not let him know that I know. if he wants to tell me then that's his choice. this is not my secret to tell.

I sit on top of a fake dumpster, careful not to make any noise and I watch their battle unfold.



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