Chapter 9: The Sports Festival part 5

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(edited June 3nd 2021)

"When you surprise Todoroki with your attack Dark shadow went for the 10 million points but he missed, we still ended up grabbing a headband though. he says motioning to Dark Shadow who had a headband that read "615" in red ink."

"and in fourth place is team Midoriya!" he continues and Deku sobs his eyes out.  I want to cry too but for a different reason. fourth is good for most people, it means we get to advance on to the second round. but my mom is still going to murder me. 

"now let's take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities."

"wanna go get something to eat?" Uraraka asks Lida.

"sure, where is Maya and Midoriya?" he asks looking around but I've already stormed off.

I find one of the participant waiting rooms and my mom enters shortly after. the look of disappointment all over her face. she pushes her glasses up on the bridge of her nose so that the light reflecting off of them makes it so I can't see her eyes.

"You have disappointed the Suzuki name" she starts.

"mom please don't be mad I tried my best-" she cuts me off

"your best wasn't good enough, you're better than this"

"at least I made it to the next round."

"what? at least? do you think this is some sort of joke!? you must be the best if you are going to get scouted Maya!" she grows angry lifting me off the floor using her quirk.

"I told you already nothing less than first place and you disobeyed." she brings me down to her level and slaps me in the face, and at the same time releases me making me fall to the floor. 

"you're a failure." she says not even looking back at me as she wheels out of the room. I just lay there on the floor in defeat, I'm so tired of her endless expectations of me, Shigaraki was right she doesn't care about me, she never has. 

I pull myself up off the floor rubbing my face where she slapped me and Bakugo punched me. I trudge out of room with nothing but rage coursing through my veins. I hate her, I hate my mom.

I brush my hair out of my face and comb throw my bangs with my fingers before I make my way to the lunch stalls. I find Uraraka and Lida eating and go to sit down with them. 

"oh hey Maya! uh what happened to you" Uraraka asks me in her usual peppy tone.

"I don't want to talk about it" I mumble lay my head in my arms. 

"oh uh ok. oh bye the way do you know where Deku is? we thought he was with you but I guess not." she asks

"I don't know, I'll go find him." I say getting up. I walk around the side of the stadium looking in each of the corridors before I see Todoroki emerging and Deku standing inside it.

"uh sorry am I interrupting something?" I say chuckling and imagining unholy things

"GAH NO THAT'S NOT IT AT ALL" Deku's face goes red and he starts frantically waving his arms in the air. 

 Deku never fails to cheer me up even if he doesn't mean to.

"uh your face looks a little more bruised than before did something happen?" he asks

"oh...right my mom wasn't very happy about me not getting first place." I say frowning and rubbing my cheek.

"that's awful, I'm sorry we didn't get first place." he says pulling me into a hug and I blush.

"uhm, anyways want to go get some food?" I say burying my red face in my arms. 

"yeah!" he agrees and we walk together back to the lunch stalls.

while we are eating the short purple haired pervert and Kaminari approach us.

"hey Uraraka, Maya misther Aizawa sthaid the girlsth have to dress up like cheerleaders to cheer on the other students." he says smugly holding up a costume.

"hell no" I say while scowling at him.

"b-b-but he sthaid you guysth have to or elsthe you will be disthqualified." he says frantically.

I roll my eyes and grab the comically small uniform out of his hand.

"this is so stupid" I say getting up with Uraraka to go put it on.

"I'm sure this violates some right of ours, though I'm not sure which..." Uraraka says putting on the tiny orange skirt.

after lunch we emerge with Hagakure, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Mina, and Tsu. who are all wearing the revealing outfit.

"woah looks like the girls of class 1-A have gone full on fan service!" Present Mic exclaims.

I look over and see Kaminari and Mineta both with nosebleeds high fiving each other and staring at us.


I walk away from the group feeling embarrassed and run into Deku.

"that little pervert!" I mutter to myself.

"AGH MAYA! THAT OUTFIT!" he exclaims his face turning red.

"fricking Mineta and Kaminari got all the girls to wear them, that little shit." I say with a red face clenching my fists. 

"for the next round, you each will be battling each other tournament style!" Present Mic comes over the intercom.

"we'll be drawing lots to see who you are fighting against!" Midnight announces holding up a lottery box. 

"wait, I'd like to opt out!" a blonde boy raises his hand.

"Ojiro? but this is a rare chance for you to get scouted" Lida argues

"it just wouldn't be right, I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it. I think it was that guy's quirk" he says pointing to a purple haired boy with huge bags under his eyes.

"I know that this is a great opportunity, I wish I could take advantage of this but my conciseness wont let me." he says making a fist.

"it wouldn't be fair" he continues. 

"also why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders?" he says putting his face in his palm making all of the girls blush.

suddenly a bunch of other students who were also brainwashed by that guy stand up and drop out. 

"this kind of talk is foolish boys, but it turns me on so I will allow it" she says waving her whip in the air.

"did she say it turns her on?" the students say collectively.

"so, next up is team Tetsutetsu, you guys have advanced to the final."

"take a look at the bracket my dears, these are your opponents!" she points at the board.

Midoriya vs. Shinso

Suzuki vs Todoroki

Lida vs Hatsume 


"I'm up against Todoroki?" I say nervously.



~✧{Life Expectancy}✧~ |Deku x fem OC|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang