Chapter 28: Moving in

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the school hired their own moving company to bring the furniture and stuff to the dorms (so bougie) so I didn't have to worry about carrying my own stuff. 

I packed a bag of my own things like my phone etc. to carry with me until my room is set up.

when I woke up the morning of the moving day, my bed and everything else in my room was gone. I had slept on a futon the night before since the movers had my bed. even my hero posters I had up on the walls were gone.

I grab the duffle bag I had packed and head out to the kitchen for some breakfast. My dad has 

already left for work so it's a fend-for-yourself type of morning. I grab a box of cereal out of the pantry using my quirk and get the milk out of the fridge. I place a bowl and spoon down on the counter and poor the milk first. (just to spite everyone who says its wrong) I then poor out the cereal and eat away. 

as I'm putting my dirty bowl into the dishwasher my mom enters the room.

"are you ready? you have all your things?" she asks wheeling up to the table and looking at a newspaper.

"yeah, I'm all set." I say closing the dishwasher and grabbing my bag of the table.

"don't forget about your training honey. I love you" she says not looking up from the newspaper.

I stop for a moment and say,

"I love you to mom" with a slight smile.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and open the front door. once I step outside, I breath in the fresh late summer air.

sweet freedom!

my pure joy doesn't last very long as I remember the reason we are moving into dorms in the first place, because I ruined camp and got myself kidnapped.

I am dreading seeing the faces of all my classmates, they won't even know what I've done.

my thoughts are interrupted by the train I'm on screeching to a halt. I'm finally here, UA.

I leave the train station and walk the five minutes it takes to reach the main building. then from there I walk five more minutes out to a building on the edge of campus where I see some of my classmates already gathered.

"Maya!" I hear Midoriya's cheerful voice call out to me. 

I don't respond, I just stare at him as he runs up to me holding his own duffle bag. 

"hey... I came... by... your house... the other day..." he says catching his breath

"oh yeah about that... My mom locked my in the basement so I couldn't come to the door. what did you want to talk about?" I say casually.

"you mom did what?" he says and I ignore him.

"... anyways I just was worried about you. you seemed angry with me at the hospital. I just wanted to make sure you're okay" he says looking at me with his large sparkling green eyes.

"I'm sorry if it came off that way. I could never be mad at you, I'm just not really in a good way. please just don't worry about me" I say not making eye contact with him

we stand there in silence for a few minutes until Mr. Aizawa shows up to let us in.

"given everything that has happened recently, I'm glad that we were able to bring class A back together." he says in his usual monotone voice.

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