Chapter 11: Internships part 1

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(edited June 8th 2021)

after school I run into my dad standing outside the gates.

"dad? what are you doing here?" I ask

"hey honey, your mom has cooled off a bit and says you can come back. I missed you so much!" he says running up to me and pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you too!" I say returning his embrace.

I walk home with my father and when we walk in through the door my mother is sitting on the couch watching TV. she doesn't even look at me when I walk in.

I go to my room and collapse on the bed that I have missed so much. it was nice and all of the villains to let me stay with them but that place sucked. 

I unzip my bag and pull out the list of heroes who chose me.

maybe I should run this by my mom. she knows alot when it comes to hero stuff.

I leave my bedroom and enter the living room, the buzz of the news on the TV fills the air. and I nervously approach my mom.

"s-so uh, we are doing internships for school and, these are the hero agencies that want me." I stutter handing her the paper.

she takes it and without missing a beat says

"you only got 245 offers?" she continues to scan the list of names.

"this one" she says pointing to a name.

"Endeavor, Hero agency" I read aloud.

"I didn't even realize Endeavor made an offer to me." I say surprised

"I called in a favor, Endeavor is an old buddy of mine. we help each other out from time to time 2nd best hero to 2nd best."

"oh" I say disappointed that it was just a favor.

I write down his agency name on my paper and put it back into my bag to turn it in tomorrow. 

does this mean that I will be interning with Todoroki? I feel my mom stiffen as I hear a familiar name on the TV.

" three days ago, the hero Ingenium was attacked in Hosu city by an individual known only as 'Stain'. we have just now received an update on his condition.

this villain Stain is responsible for the deaths of 17 heroes and early retirement of 24 heroes, if anybody has any information as to his whereabouts please contact this number"

"Stain? isn't that the guy who-" I stop myself seeing my mother visibly shaken, it's weird seeing her like this.

I take the hint and go back to my room. I open my laptop and start researching Stain, he has begun attacking heroes in Hosu starting with Ingenium, Lida's brother. 

According to the news, his brother is paralyzed from the waist down. he will never walk again. 

I pull out my phone and find Lida's number.



"Hey, I heard about your brother. are you ok? if you need to talk I'm here. My mother was also attacked by Stain a while back. I'm so sorry that happened." 

~✧{Life Expectancy}✧~ |Deku x fem OC|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें