2.24 hideout

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"Okay....what the hell did I just wake up to?" Aera asked groggily as she sat up from the bed to see haechan changing his shirt which was muddy and dirty

"Me and guys are building something" he said with a small smile, walking over to the bed to hover over her body and pepper small kisses around her face.

"Building something?"


"Like what?" She asked out of curiosity

"Its a secret, come see for yourself" haechan said trying to get her out of bed and leaving the room. sighing and getting out of the warm covers, she wore a fluffy grey robe around her crop top and shorts before slipping on some fuzzy slippers and following the noise which came from outside

"am i going insane or is that fucking drill?" aera asked, blocking the painful sound of metal clanging this early in the morning

"yeah i thought i was crazy when i heard the chainsaw" yeji chuckled

"ch-chain...CHAINSAW?!" aera asked widening her eyes and rushing out of the kitchen to the backgarden to see planks of wood lying around on the ground

"what the fuck is going on?" she asked, pulling jaemin's t-shirt to get his attention

"did haechan not tell you? we're building a hideout" jaemin said with a bright smile

"Why do we need a hide out?" She asked worrying and jaemin simply shrugged

"More like a hangout area than a hideout area....hideout just sounds cooler" jaemin said making her chuckle

"Oh wow...." she said, eyeing jeno was was working with a machine she never knew the name of while being surrounded by cement blocks

"He's hot" she said looking at Jeno and and then Mark, eyeing him with the same gaze. A stern cough came from behind her and she turned to look at haechan raising an eyebrow at her

"I meant you...you're hot" she said sheepishly as he poked his tongue into the side of his cheek

"What are you doing here, theres so much dust around" he said through his mask as he took off his protective headphones and placed it on her instead, shielding her ears from the sound of the heavy work in the back.

"Just wanted to see my boyfriend" she said, enveloping him in a hug with a cheeky smile on her face making him roll his eyes playfully

"You sure you didn't come here to see him?" He asked, pointing over to where jaemin and mark were putting cement blocks in place.

"No they're just....a bonus" she said with a smirk as she watched Mark carry a humongous chunk of cement blocks to another location. with a playful scoff, haechan turned around and walked back to Chenle and helped him do the tasks at hand

"you and I....and going to bake!" Yeji said, excited dragging her into the Kitchen and she laid her eyes over the baking utensils

"so what's on the menu today then?" aera asked, washing her hands and slipping on the apron

"strawberry shortcake" yeji replied

"but...jaemin hates stra-"

"which is exactly why we, his ultimate best friends, are going to make it" she said with a smirk and aera rolled her eyes at her playfulness.


"it's like you guys don't care about me at all!" Jaemin whined as he picked apart the cut strawberries from the cake before stuffing the dessert in his mouth, trying his best not to gag

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