1.7 flee the scene

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"Stay quiet dumbass!" Aera exclaimed in pure frustration as the whines coming from haechan's did little help to her when she was trying to clean the wound that ended up being a lot deeper than the thought, most likely because of the force of impact.

"Why don't you try getting stabbed and then getting rub iodine on the cut?" Haechan said cocking his head to side as he stared down at the girl who was focused entirely on the cut he wore on his tan skin.

Her eyes flickered over to his and stared into his much darker ones for a few seconds before she turned her gaze back to the cut.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault" she said with a slight sigh, placing the cotton ball socked with iodine solution onto the counter that haechan was leaning on.

"Yeah we know" he said rolling his eyes making Aera sigh. They were definitely two very different personalities.

As she moved onto applying the sterile strips onto his wound to form a closure on the wound, his eyes travelled around the bathroom. The room was dimly lit since the only light was from the hallway lights. The two were in such a rush that they didn't even turn on the lights of the bathroom. As his eyes roamed around they landed onto multiple half opened cabinets.

Half opened prescription tablet containers filled with sleeping pills, anti-depressants and much more caught his attention. His mind almost accurately depicting the memory he tried to forget.

"Donghyuck! Donghyuck! You're okay right? Are you hurt anywhere? Talk to me! DONGHYUCK!"


"Dad....he's just sleeping okay, look at me instead. We need to leave. Right now"

"N-no dad! Dad wake up! Daddy plea-"

"Donghyuck listen to your mother! We need to leave now!"

"Haechan" the honey like voice dripped in his ear snapping him out of his day dream.

"U-uh y-yeah what?" He asked as his eyes landing onto the girl who stood up to her proper height.

"It's done" she said and he looked down to see the wound now perfectly covered with a white plaster that laid onto of the sterile strips.

"If I were you....I would go to the hospital" she said, her teeth biting her plump lower lip as she gnawed at the thought of the cut reopening. It was too fragile.

"I'll take care of it" haechan said, his eyes gazing over her features again.

"Are you okay?" He asked and she smiled a small smile in confusion.

"You're the one with the stab wound" she said and he smiled back but his eyes were laced with worry.

"No like....in general....are you okay?" He asked, his eyes travelling from hers to the half emptied anti depressants on the shelf across from them, but she didn't notice what he was hinting at.

"Yeah I'm all good" she said smiling with her lips pressed into a straight line signalling that she was feeling awkward.

"It's definitely not your style but here" Aera said passing him one of jisung's hoodies that was hanging on the drying stand. The smell of fresh cotton invaded haechan's nose immediately, completely distinct from the metallic and alcoholic smell he endured for the last 20 minutes or so. He slipped on the bright yellow hoodie, warmth fron his body radiating onto the new fabric. He cringed as he turned to the mirror and examined his new look. A yellow hoodie seemed out of place on his body since he was more used to all black.

"I'll wash your shirt and give it to you tomorrow" aera and he nodded

Aera led the way out of the bathroom and downstairs into the kitchen. The sound of the song 'paranoid' by post malone playing from jisung's room pierced both their ears.

"Who's that?" Haechan asked out of curiosity

"Just my dumb brother" she said chuckling to her self.

"Do you want some water before you go?" Aera asked, her hospitality was genuine the more she realised the extent of damage she placed onto the boy.

"That would be great" haechan said as he noticed the dry feeling itching the back of his throat.

Aera walked into the kitchen, leaving haechan around the dining table waiting for her return. Subconsciously he smiled at her blue tips dancing along with each step she took. Once she was finally out of his peripheral vision, his eyes wandered around his surrounding. Something he's learned, an instinct of his to make sure he was safe.

His eyes landed onto the open pages and pictures that were spread out around the dining table. His eyes immediately widening as he saw pictures of his mafia unit's leader. What the hell was this doing in her house.

His ears picked up the sound of the glass clinking as he hurriedly looked around at the information spread out around the table. Fingers going from each page to each picture. His breath nearly hitched in his throat the second he saw the pictures and directions to the head quarters. Were they being followed? Watched?

Along with that were schedules, notes, sketches, all that resembled his leader Taeyong.

Haechan stumbled back upon realisation. He needed to warn the gang. He needed to leave. Now.

The sound of the tap being turned on took him out of his trance. He immediately stepped away from the table, his fest hurriedly rushing out of the house itself.

"Do you want some ice-" Aera looked around her but she realised she no longer had the company of the injured boy. The sound of her front door slamming made her sigh.

"Asshole" she said going into the kitchen and emptying out the glasses that were one filled with water.

The sound of a pair of feet padding down the stairs in a rushed manner startled her.

"Noona? Noona! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Tell me what happened--"

"Woah woah slow down dumbass" Aera said prying her younget brother's hands away from her face.

"What's wrong?" She asked him looking at his startled eyes

"You're okay?" He asked perplexed at her surprisingly normal attitude.

"Obviously, you're the one who'sacting weird" she said narrowing her eyes at her

"Then....who's blood is on the counter?" He asked and her eyes widened

"Uh...don't worry about it" she said hurriedly, pushing past him and running upstairs to clean up the mess.

Jisung however was left flustered, confused at what just happened but also angered that his sister was now keeping secrets from him.

Jisung however was left flustered, confused at what just happened but also angered that his sister was now keeping secrets from him

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