2.9 i love you

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"You alright bro?" Johnny said as he stared at haechan walk into the kitchen with his head in his hands

"Tell me how I didnt die from excessive alcohol consumption" haechan groaned before opening the fridge and taking out a bottle of barley tea to save him from dehydration.

"You went straight to the bar last night, bet you didnt even remember meeting anyone huh?" Johnny said worth a slight smirk. It was 2pm and by now everyone knew that Aera was staying over at the place and was currently in jisung and renjun's room playing uno with them and jaemin, chenle and yeji.

"Last thing I remember was going on and on about how jisung burnt that pork cutlet to a total stranger" haechan chuckled to himself closing the door shut and walking back to wards the island counter. He placed his bottle down on the graphite countertop and looked at the slow ticking of the clock since Johnny got up and left to the room he shared with haechan.

"Hey are there any pancakes left?" A soft voice said entering the kitchen and haechan froze in his position. He was too scared to even turn around and face whoever just entered. He was too scared to be wronged. Maybe it's not her. Maybe it's just some random girl one of the guys brought home last night.

"Haechan" the voice said again in the usual soft tone, although now a little deeper than usual. Haechan couldn't stop his head from shooting towards the person whom the voice came from.

"A-aera?" He said merely above a whisper as he took in her angelic appearance standing there infront of him. After 3 months she was finally here, but he found himself stuck to the floor, all the things he had been wanting to tell her left his mind. He was just blank.

"Hey" she said, finding herself stuck to the floor as well. For the first time ever, Aera could read his expression. He was in pure disbelief.

"I....I....this is gonna sound weird....but i dont even know if you're real....or not..." haechan said slowly, clearly too hungover to even be making sense. Surprised at his comment Aera let out a hearty laugh, taking him out of his daydream stance. And then he realised, here she was, right infront of him, like he had been wishing  for. He was simply wasting the time he had by just standing there, instead he rushed towards her and engulfed in one of the tightest hugs he could give a person.

Taken back by this Aera flung her arms around his waist to support her for landing on her back.

"Woah haechan i- hey...dude are you crying?" Aera said nervously before rubbing her hand over his back and slowly patting his back to calm him down as he began shaking with silent sobs escaping his lips. Sniffles and cries were all she mainly heard, a few tears slipping from her own eyes. She was surprised, she never felt like this. He made her feel important. Like her coming back was the beat thing that ever happened to him, and it was.

"Please don't leave me. You promised you wouldn't" haechan cried, inhaling shaky breaths inconsistently.

"I know...I know. I promise I'll stay with you from now on" Aera said trying her best to stay strong in order to calm him down. After a few minutes they both pulled away and he finally took in her appearance, fully black short hair, sharp eyes and flushed pink lips. Before he could stare at her plump lips anymore he looked back into her eyes. A smirk fell on his lips before he bent down and threw her over his shoulder and ignoring her groans until he reached his bedroom.

"Ugh seriously haechan I need to play uno with my friends"

"Fuck them, I need to talk to you" haechan said as he opened the door to hi bedroom and threw her onto his bed softly

"Hey johnny" Aera awkwardly greeted before sitting up straight on the bed.

"Atleast give me some warning if you two are going to make babies in here. What am I? Invisible?" He asked before playfully rolling his eyes and stomping his way out of the room.

Hedonist // Lee HaechanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt