1.6 steri-strips

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as aera walked through the streets alone at night, she couldnt keep count of the number of times she warpped her arms over her body or pulled the skin of her woolly sweater closer to her warmth. however no matter how hard she tired she couldnt feel secure with the sound of footsteps behind her that recited a song of impending doom to the negative thoughts in her head. her thoughts immediately flew to the memory of seeing her mother being tucked away into an ambulance on the corner of the street where she got brutally murdered and beaten by a bunch of thugs. aera wasn't afraid of many things but, ending up like that was a definite fear.

the clank of an object on the pavement she was walking on surprised her. she even stopped for a second but she remained to walk ahead, too scared to look back. the sound of the footsteps getting faster, nearer and louder only seemed to make her heart palpitate more. her fingers clutched onto the switch designed metal object that was attached to her house keys. she quietly and swiftly switched the pocket knife out and grasped it tightly in her hand which was, at this point, shaking.

at the slightest touch of a hand on her right shoulder she fiercely turned around and plunged the small but sharp bladed pocket knife into lower torso of the alleged perpetrator. the hand gripping her shoulder tensed further as the sudden pain rushed through his body. after the squelching sound of the knife cutting into flesh, aera finally looked up with her eyes which gave her nothing more than a blurred vision. she narrowed her eyes as she looked straight into the ones which were glaring into hers. 

"h-haechan...?" she breathed out in pure shock as she finally started to recognise the face of the boy she stabbed. haechan could do nothing more but groan in pain, he definetly did not foresee this coming. He stumbled backwards as his hand travelled to the knife that was half jammed into his stomach, blood quickly staining his hand as well.

Aera didnt grasp the situation until she saw the amount of blood on his hand, clearly his black shirt didn't let her see the full extent of the injury.

"Are you okay?!" Aera panicked and haechan glared at her and replied with a clenched jaw.

"Do I look okay?" He said through his teeth as he ripped out the knife from his stomach, the noise making aera feel more guilty than before.

"Don't do that! are you crazy? We need to get you to the hospital now" she said and he took his grip of her shoulder and stumbled to stand properly on his own two feet.

The metal pocket knife which was still attacked to the keys fell on the floor andkof his arms around her shoulders but he pushed her away and groaned from the pressure on his abdomen

"I'm fine I dont need help" he said

Aera pleaded with her eyes and looked directly at haechan, her graceful features were now filled with worry.

"Please...I can't just leave you alone like this" Aera said and haechan sighed. She felt extremely guilty the more she came to realise that haechan was only following her to give her phone back.

"Fine, but no hospital" haechan said and Aera nodded. Haechan knew it was best to stay away from places that needed his proper identity. He didnt want Aera to find out his real identity either especially now since they became a lot more involved that they ever should have been.

"I have some sterile strips in my house,  it's not that far from here either. We should clean up the wound before it gets infected" Aera said, her motherly instincts kicking in quickly.

She removed her jacket and rolled it up before placing it over haechan's cut.

"No...wear your jacket, it's cold outside" he said

"It doesn't matter, just apply some pressure to stop the bleeding" Aera's eyes were evidently shaking in guilt and fear. Her main worry wasnt her denim jacket getting stained, it was the 20 year old boy who was bleeding in front of her. Noticing this, haechan followed her instructions to get this ordeal over with.

Aera helped him walk while she guided him towards her home. A very warm and inviting home, something haechan didn't feel used to.

She took out her keys, which were know slightly stained in blood, to open the door. Haechan's eyes fixated on the dangling pocket knife, the design was far too familiar to him.

"Do you think you can make it up the stairs?" Aera asked and haechan nodded but his blurry vision was telling him otherwise.

Aera huffed out a breath before walking up the stairs with haechan's weight placed on her shoulders so she could help him out.

The sound of the two boys playing video games caught her ears and her eyes peered into jisung's bedroom foor which was slightly open.

The two boys were too engrossed into game to even notice aera and the new visitor. Aera and haechan trudged up the remaining stairs and into the bathroom.

Haechan groaned quietly, making sure not to make too much noise, as he leaned back onto the bathroom counter. Aera was too busy reaching around for tissues, cotton swabs and a first aid kit that she didnt even notice haechan removing his shirt in the most manliest way, gripping it from the back and pulling it over his head and then off his arms.

Aera didn't realise what he had just done in the dimly lit bathroom until she heard the plop of his shirt onto the floor. Her eyes travelled to the long legged boy, his torso now vividly expressed.

Of course haechan already had an amazing figure, his legs were definetly his appeal. His stomach wasn't anything special when it came to abs, they were there but more soft and the ridges were slightly highlighted by the dim light. She was used to seeing this side of men, considering she lived with two boys and was surrounded by chenle, renjun and jaemin most of her life. Jaemin was defintely not the type to shy away from an opportunity to flash his abs infront of Aera in hopes that she might fall for him.

"So are you going to keep staring at my abs until I bleed to death?" The voice said snapping her eyes to look straight into his darker ones. Realising her previous actions she put up her usual cold front to seem uninterested.

"What abs?" She scoffed, her eyes landing onto the first aid kit instead as she prepared everything she needed. Haechan gasped at her words, but a smirk remained on his face as his eyes trailed over the blush coating her cheeks, she, like many other girls he knew, was flustered. He had that effect on women.

Haechan was the type that you would not focus on too much when you first meet him, but eventually like everyone else, you notice something he has that no one else has. That aura of mystery that surrounds him was captivating and before you knew it, you were stuck in quicksand and can't see anyone else. He knew he had that effect and he wasn't ashamed to use it on Aera either. After all, it wasn't like she meant anything to him.

 After all, it wasn't like she meant anything to him

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