2.16 the head of the table

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"Since all the rightful inheritors of the mafia are finally here I think it's time we officially distribute alongside the units. It would be best to keep taeyong in the new upcoming branch since he is more experienced than the rest. He could control the japan group while Aera, since she's familiar with them controls the china group and haechan, maybe along with jisung remain in kor-"

"Absolutely fucking not."

"Excuse me?" The stern but taken back voice of the man was a shrilling sound to be heard across the room.

"Aera, this is a formal meeting....give your opinion after-"

"No. Taeyong is the leader of neo now...isnt he? Let him make the decision" aera said and haechan sighed, grabbing her hand slowly and tugging her to sit down but she bit his lip and looked at him hoping for support.

"I have every right to have a say in this, dont I? Mom? It doesn't make sense for you, respectfully speaking, to make the decisions for the interests of neo since you already passed your authority down to taeyong" she said and the man cleared his throat

"I know how to lead a mafia organisation. You do n-"

"And so what? I dont need to know or learn how to lead a mafia. Because I've put all my faith into my leader... which is not you, its him" she said pointing to taeyong who uncomfortably shifted in his seat.

"Aera what's gotten into you?" Her mother said standing up, scolding her daughter but the man seated at the head of the table just whispered for her to calm down.

"He's trying to split us up! Just because I know wayv doesn't mean I'm fit to control their mafia branch"

"That's just how it works Aera. it's the law" taeyong said finally, standing up from his seat as well

"Arent you the leader? Rewrite the fucking law or something. Dont tell me you agree with this" she argued looking at the red haired boss who was trying to avoid her stern gaze which he himself found quite intimidating, and that's coming from taeyong.

"I.... I need to do what's best for the mafia. If I need to split people up then that's what I'll have to do....Neo is all I care about" taeyong said with a strict voice and Aera frustratedly pulled her hand from haechan's and went over to taeyong

"If you really cared about neo....you would be sitting at the head of this fucking table. What the fuck even is the law? This is a mafia group for God's sake! everything we do is against the damn law" she spat angrily and he couldn't find it in himself to meet her eyes. She then turned her eyes to glare at the man sitting at the had of the table beside her mother, Taeyong's dad.

"But I know enough about your law to know that you shouldn't be sitting there....since you're the former leader, the one who got us into this mess in the first pla-"

"Aera that's enou-"

"I'm not taking orders from any of you. And I know that you can't make a final decision without my vote. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my brother and my friends who I will not ... ever .... Be separated from again" and without one final glance she left through the doubly doors of the big mansion which her mother was residing in with Taeyong's father, her true love.

Haechan was quick to excuse himself as well, being unable to control his evident smirk as he remembered his girlfriend standing up for herself. She was right, the former leader had caused a mess. The mafia would just follow along with orders since they were scared of him, but taeyong wasn't like that. He encouraged neo members to speak up to him and give their views, that's when the mafia started to do more good than evil, so why should they ever listen to the former leader again?

"Dude!" Haechan said with a huge smile while he saw Aera trying to calm herself down at the balcony which was outside the hall and on the same floor as the meeting which she stormed out from.

"Don't lecture me please" she sighed turning to him and he chuckled

"I thought it was awesome" haechan said hugging her waist comfortably and he grew concerned as he saw her cheeks slightly stained from tears

"Hey, babe...what's wrong?" He asked, taking the strands of hair which covered her face. And her small sniffles turned into heavy breaths as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"Aera what's wrong, tell me" haechan asked worried, concern filling his eyes

"I just....I dont want to be away from you guys again....that's all" she said, looking up and trying to bite her lip to prevent sobs from escaping her mouth

"I know....I won't let that happen. I promise I won't leave you again, okay?" He asked looking into her eyes

"But what if they make us-"

"They can't make us do anything. I'll be with you, every single fucking day. You're not going to china or anywhere if I'm not going with you. You understand?" He asked lifting her chin to make her meet his eyes

"Do you understand?" He asked again, a bit more strictly this time to assure her that he was being 100% serious. She nodded slowly before mustering up a smile and he smiled back. Enveloping her into a hug, the two remained on the balcony in plain sight. And if it wasn't for Aera's sake, their moment would have tragically ended.

"HAECHAN!" was the only thing that could be heard in his ears before he came crashing down inside the hall to his left.

The sound of gunshots that could be heard while the glass doors of the balcony broke, made him alert and he cupped an arm over her head to make sure that they were safe while crawling away from the balcony area with as much strength as he could find in himself.

"What the fuck is going on?!" A voice said entering the room and scanning the scenes

"GET DOWN!" Haechan screamed and they all followed their orders, remaining close to the floor of the hall until the gunshots could no longer be heard.

"Are you guys--- oh my god!" Taeyong gasped out as he saw Aera cry out in pain with a hand covering her neck area as blood gushed out.

"Shit! Aera!" Taeyong's shouts made haechan lift his head and turn towards his girlfriend. Taking in the view of her crying as she tried to steady her breaths.

"No..." he mumbled out, being unable to take in the sight of her struggling for air as taeyong ripped open his white dress shirt to apply pressure to the wound.



ayo i have exams rn but my update game is on a roll these days :)))))))))))

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