2.1 xiao zhanshi

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To my lovely sister, Park Aera

Noona, this is my 35th letter by now! My hand is hurting so why dont you just come back and I can speak these words to you. I'm also failing my maths classes because I'm writing these letters for you -.- you will break my heart if you don't read them. Jaemin made me have his coffee the day before my physics exam so I could "wake up" but it was so disgusting. I ended up going home early due to a stomach ache T^T. Come slap him for me please! I've gotten close to all the hyungs! I think you are a mix of taeyong and doyoung. By any chance are you an ISFJ? I'm an INFJ ㅋㅋㅋ. I'm part of the INFJ-affle squad with jungwo and mark!! Qe made waffles a few days ago....well....not really. Mark cant cook, neither can I! Why did we even think it was a good idea? I found out that you are meant to put butter on the pan...not the waffles itself...ahhh--what a mess. Can you come soon? So we can make waffles together? I swear this time I will put the oil on the pan! Anyway..my maths teacher is coming. Please show up for haechan's birthday atleast! Hes been missing you more than any of us. He barely comes out of his room these days :(. Okay bye bye!!

-your idiot brother, Jisung

Aera smiled before wiping off the tears on her face, she finished reading all of them. That letter being the last one and most recent one too.

Getting off her bed, she started to get changed into her outfit for the masquerade party.

Getting off her bed, she started to get changed into her outfit for the masquerade party

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"How do I look?" She asked her mom who entered the room

"Beautiful" she said smiling at her daughter

"Just like your mother" Kun said entering the room behind her and Aera smiled at the compliment.

"I came to give you this" kun said before revealing to her a mask which matched her dress.

"I came to give you this" kun said before revealing to her a mask which matched her dress

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