2.23 jealous

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The whispers radiated off the walls of the cafeteria as the other students viewed the dream members sitting together at a table, something that they never expected to happen. Many of the girls were also swooning over the new student, park jisung, who used the mafia powers to his advantage to secure a seat in Chenle's year group.

"So basically the matrix organisation structure is when there is like two bosses, kinda like what we have in NCT and we-"

"Shut up, don't say it out loud!"

"How else am I meant to teach him this?!"

"Yo dudes! They're serving kimchi jjigae today" mark said, ruining the whisper screaming match between chenle and renjun as they both tried to help jisung understand his business lecture.

"I'll get it for you if you rap about it" haechan said with a smirk

"Rap about stew?" Mark asked raising an eyebrow and his cheekbones popped out with his awkward smile as the table he was in started to chant for him to begin rapping

"Ayy yeah uh, kimchi jjigae, ayy when you're annoyed with the world, everyone gather. Dont cough, just stretch-"

"Can Lee Haechan and Park Aera report to the Dean's office immediately please" the voice rang over the speakers making mark stop his ridiculous rap, ruining haechan's video of him

"What's this about?" Renjun asked looking at aera and she shrugged

"Maybe he's congratulating our relationship?" Haechan asked aera who simply rolled her eyes at his inability to be serious

They both cracked jokes about mark's rap while haechan let out the statement that he can get mark to do anything for him. Entering the office, they were immediately faced with a stern looking dean who was signalling them to take a seat

"Do you both have any idea why you're here?" He asked and aera looked at haechan who slyly placed his hands in his pockets to slowly remove the black gem ring before the dean could see

"No sir" aera said, answering for both of them and the dean sighed

"You two were the only two who haven't passed the parenting exam" he said making haechan snort at the unseen reason for his trouble. He had been called to the Dean's office for many reasons and this simply had to be the most pointless one out of all of them.

"Is there a problem Mr.Lee?" He asked and haechan shook his head, trying to suppress his laughter making aera smile

"Well since both of you clearly aren't taking this project or me seriously, I have no other option but to assign you two as volunteers to help out Miss Jung with theatre preparations and auditions for the upcoming performance for the next 2 weeks" he said and before haechan could speak up to worsen the situation, aera stood up and agreed before bowing and dragging haechan out of the room with her.

"You know this wouldn't have happened if you just looked after Ben!" She said and haechan rolled his eyes before standing in front of her

"So... you and me? Dark room? With sexy music in the background?" Haechan said, wiggling his eyebrows making her scoff

"More like you and me in the audience while we help Miss Jung with ear raping auditions" she said and he chuckled

"Yup, I'll make sure to pack in some aspirin" he said before bidding her goodbye and going to his class


"Oh everytime I see you~"

The piercing sound of the young adults auditioning on the stage was already enough torture for haechan, and paired with the fact that the teacher was undeniably making sure that him and aera stayed far away from each other made him this close to blowing up.

Although he tried to text her during the time they were both working on set, she never answered and he was becoming frustrated.

Excusing himself to use the bathroom, he ended up leaving his placement to look for aera, only to see her sorting through the racks filled with outfits and chatting to another guy who was seemingly helping her.

"You're pretty enough to be the main lead, you should audition" the boy said and aera let out a chuckle as she shook her head

"Yeah totally, let me just find my non existent acting skills and come back tomorrow" she replied, her eyes slowly landed onto haechan who had been eavesdropping into the conversation

"Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be like five hundred yards away from me?" She asked with a chuckle

"So this is the boyfriend Miss Jung is separating you from?" The boy asked turning around to see haechan who was walking over to aera's side

"Yeah unfortunately" he replied with a sigh

"Haechan this is yeonjun, we went to middle school together, yeonjun this is haechan, my boyfriend" aera said, introducing the two and haechan smiled at the boy who smiled back.

"Well I was just asking her to come to this party I'm hosting for one of my friends this weekend, you should come too. With your friends as well" yeonjun said and haechan nodded

"I'll see if we're free, just send the address" haechan said and yeonjun nodded

"Anyway, I better get back to the audition calls, catch you guys later" yeonjun said, leaving the two alone

"He seems nice" haechan said after yeonjun left and aera smile with a nod

"And you seem jealous" she said, narrowing her eyes at him

"What? No...no I'm not" haechan said, awkwardly rubbing his nape. With the first sentence he heard from yeonjun calling his girlfriend pretty definitely ignited some flame in him, yet he wouldn't go to the full extent of beating up the guy over it since he did state the truth, aera was in fact pretty

"Let's go home!" He whined tugging onto her jacket but she looked at him sternly making him pout.

"After" she said making him roll his eyes and leave her to his original spot, helping the people move the backdrops.

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