1.27 truth revealed

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"I already have her brother to take care of...."

"You're just like your mother huh?"

The two sentences danced around her mind as she held her head in her hands trying to find a meaning for them.

"What did he mean by that" she said staring into jaemin who was just as confused. Of course, he knew what haechan meant. Jaemin was furious at the fact that haechan couldn't keep quiet about that issue.

And as for Beomgyu, what he meant was a genuine mystery to him. What did jisung have to do with any of this?

And then it hit her.

"Don't you ever think of leaving me. If you do I will make sure your family pays for your mistakes...babe"

"Shit!" Aera said standing up out of her seat, gaining attention from other customers in the process.

"Shit shit shit" she repeated as she grabbed her phone from her pocket

"What? What's wrong?" Jaemin asked

"I need to find Jisung. Beomgyu might hurt him" she said hurriedly as she called his phone but no answer

The number you have called is unavailable

"Fuck jaemin what do I do?" She said as she called him again, and again, and again. But to no avail, he still did not pick up.

"I....I think I might know where he is" jaemin said with a sigh as he grabbed her shaking hands.

"Come with me" he said as he guided her out of the cafe. As much as he knew it wasn't his place to take her to the neo headquarters, this was a serious situation. He was the only other person apart from Aera and Beomgyu himself who knew what Beomgyu was capable of doing.

Hailing a cab quickly, they both got in and jaemin gave the driver instructions as he drove. They both reached the HQ within 15 minutes.

"Dude are you sure he'll be here?" Aera asked in confusion as she stared at the 30 story glass window covered building in front of her.

"I have a hunch hes in here" jaemin said before taking her arm in his hands and dragging her towards the building.

"Sir I need to see some ID-"

"Let him in" another voice said interrupting the middle aged security guard. A man with long blonde which reached upto his shoulder flicked the finished cigarette onto the ground before stepping on it and looking at the both of them.

"You better have a damn good reason for bringing her here" the man said eyeing jaemin before pushing the glass doors open as he led both of them towards the conference room where the rest of neo members were gathered. He knew it was an important issue of jaemin was bringing Park Aera here.

"So this area needs to be supervised, theres a rising number of theft case-" Jaehyun's voice got interrupted as the conference room door got thrown open making everyone stand up. Some even reaching for the gun which was taped to the bottom of the conference table in case of emergencies.

"Jisung!" Aera said in relief as she saw her brother standing there completely fine.

"Hold your fire" Taeyong ordered making everyone place their guns away from Aera,  but she didnt even notice it. The only thing she was focused on was to make sure jisung didnt have a scratch on his face from Beomgyu.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Aera said grabbing his shoulders and asked him hurriedly but all she recieved was a scoff and a shove back from him.

Aera stumbled as she was pushed back by force but she didnt fall. She look into jisung's eyes in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Jisung asked as he glared into her eyes

"I...came to check if you were okay..can I... not do that or something?" Aera asked with a slight scoff, not liking this side of jisung.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" He asked

"Did Beomgyu come and meet you at all. Or try to contac-"

"Yeah. Yeah he did." Jisung said and jaemin tensed up from hearing that. Aera took in a shaky breath before grabbing jisung's sleeve.

"Come on, we should go somewhere safe-"

"Safe? The only safe place is anywhere away from you!" Jisung said yanking his hand back from her grip in force making her stumble back again, and this time fall backwards to the floor

"Park jisung!-"

"Let them sort it out" doyoung said interrupting taeyong as he held him back.

"W-what are you talking about?" Aera asked through teary eyes

"He called me this morning. Saying hes back from military service and that he couldn't wait to see us again. You told me he moved to america! You lied to me and said he left for good! And for what? So while your boyfriend was defending our country you could go around sleeping with random guys?!" Jisung said angrily

"Y-you...believe that?" Aera asked standing up not even believing what she heard from him.

"Yeah. I do. You're just like mom. You always were. She had an affair with some random guy and had me! I'm not even fully your brother! People like you and mom ruin everything! You complicate things and make everyone else's lives miserab-"

"Yah! Park Jisung!" Jaemin shouted unable to contain his anger anymore. He stormed over to the tall boy and landed and hard punch onto his face making him fall onto the ground and hold his now bleeding nose in pain.


"Dont fucking call me that anymore. How could you just talk down to your sister like that?! Do you even know the full story? No. You dont."


"Aera. You either tell him now or I will" jaemin said sighing while looking at Aera who was staring at the ground in shame.

"Jisung....Beomgyu wasn't in the military for the past two years.....or in america....he was in jail...for sexual harassment" Aera said not being able to look at anything except her dirty white sneakers.

Across the room, haechan sighed. He finally realised the connection she had with the guy from earlier. He wanted to grab her then and there and apologise to her, apologise for being an asshole, apologise for saying the things he did, apologise for treating her terribly all this time. But he was too shocked. He couldn't believe a girl like that went through something like that. What's worse is that he couldn't believe he was standing infront of the bad guy today and sided with him.

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