"Baby boy" saying this she gone.

At morning I got ready for the school, good thing that bitches didn't scratch or harmed my hands. So it's not possible to identify the sexual assault.

After getting ready, I gone to the school in my car.

I first thought to go to our regular places where me and iniya will meet. But I got the message saying to come directly to the class its Ananya.

After that I gone towards my class. My  trembling started because many girls were here. I controlled myself somehow.

After 2 and half month am going to see my love.

Everyone spoke with me, and asked about my doings. They said their condolences for my parents loss. After 15 mins, I got the message saying to start the act. I took a heavy breath. Am sorry fluffy. Your Vihaan is useless fellow. He is an weak. I hope you will get the best partner in this world. I will pray for it fluffy.

I gone before to the class and said "Hello everyone". Everyone turned towards me.

"Yes Vihaan" some of them shouted.

"I...." my heart becomes heavy. But that ananya bitch glared at me. So I started without any choice.

" I want to share my personal life with you all" I said. Everyone looked confused.

I gone before ananya. That bitcooked at me with an surprise act. What an act man. I sat on my knees and showed the rose. I heard many gasps.

Again being used right.

"Ananya, I know its quite early to ask this. I know my parents are no more. It's not even an two months. But I want you. These past two months you took care of me like am an baby, I want it to continue for ever. See I have no one beside me now. I want you. Can you please cherish me. I want us to move on our relationship from bestfriends to lovers. Will you accept my love. I love you Ananya" I said, the words which I want to utter to my only love. The love which I had only for iniya. Always my love is fluffy.

I love you fluffy.

I love you fluffy.

I love you fluffy. I want to shout. But I didn't have any choices. 

"Yes" I heard ananya's answer. I don't need this. I want to see my fluffy. But I don't want her to see me. I know this whole thing she might have watching. I know. I don't want to search for her. If I did, I don't know what will I do.

Immediately after i stood up, that bitch hugged me. My trembling started.

Everyone in the room cheered.

Ananya came out of my hug. She then smiled at Rita. Then she turned and seen somewhere.

Everyone is cheering and congratulating me. It is very irritating for me. I don't want fluffy to come here. Because, the words which am going to utter is something, I can't even able to imagine. But without any choice am going to utter it.

" Everyone here"Ananya shouted. Then everyone turned including myself with an fast beating heart speed.

There stood my fluffy, who is looking like going to cry. I just want to hug her and console my fluffy. But I can't, and I won't even able to.

She smiled at me. Why didn't she felt hurt. Oh my god is she thinking that I seen her as a friend.

Why she is so innocent.

Will I be ever Loved?(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now