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A baby's cry filled the Castle's empty halls. It was laced with pain, terror, and sadness, but it was then muffled by an ear-shattering thunder clap. 

The maid tending to the baby girl picked her up gingerly from the crib, and cradled her.

"Shh, no need to cry Ellie, darling." the maid whispered; however her eyes filled with tears, knowing she had lied to the poor babe. 

There was much to cry over; the King had been killed by his enemies, and now the kingdom was doomed to a life as slaves. 

The maid stroked the little one's soft, black hair, and caressed her rosy cheeks that stood out on her pale skin. The baby stopped crying at the gentle touch, and looked up at the maid with her sapphire eyes. that still lit up with hope. 

The maid sighed and gazed out the rain-covered window, the baby still in her grasp. The weather matched the sadness in everyone hearts; it was dark and dreary. 

"Oh, Eleanor, this isn't the world your father wanted you to grow up in, and now the hope you have will be taken." she sobbed. 

"Mom..." a young  female voice startled the maid. She looked up, and was greeted by her daughter, who was around 25-years of age. 

"Rose, how is it out there?" the maid questioned her daughter, as she placed Eleanor back into the crib. 

Rose solemnly shook her head before she spoke, "A spy reported in. It seems that the enemy is planning on hunting down all the royal family members." 

Gasping, the maid looked over her shoulder towards the sleeping child, who now laid peacefully in her bed. She turned back to Rose, and a thought came to mind. 

"I know a way we can save her, but it will have a cost." 

An explosion sounded outside, which was followed by screams and shouts. 

To Be Continued...

A/N: Let me know if I should continue and please give feedback. 

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