Chapter XXIII: Packmates' Stories and Hunter Wolf

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After the events of the Darach, things settle down a little. Kira, Noshiko and Ken goes back to New-York with the promise to send Kira for the summer to spend it with the pack since Kira and Malia seems inseparable and are looking devastated to part. After the little family and Alpha Ito went back to their home, the higher ranked Hale pack members consisting of Derek, Peter, Stiles and Boyd have a discussion with the Alpha Pack, concerning the crimes of the ex-Hale-Emissary and the Alpha Pack Emissary's brother. Morell seems to take the news in stride. She seems resigned once everything is explained and give her reluctant understanding. She knows that the sentence was appropriate, but she still grieves her brother. She even explains that Valack has been imprisoned in Eichen House, and shouldn't be able to escape, but she will make sure of that. Everyone is relieved when the meeting is finished.

One week later the arson is ruled an accident. Peter was very thorough in order to not bring any suspicion to the fire: he used Kanima venom on Deaton because it's undetectable to investigation just like the spell used to initiate the fire, he also kept the Sheriff, Deputy and other in the pack in the dark, to not bring any suspicion or morality/ethical judgement.

At the beginning of Mai, Peter decides to begin the shopping list for the triplet while banishing any color of pink, or baby blue from the shopping list to anyone that wants to buy gifts. "No child of mine will wear those stereotypical colors until they can make an informed choice beforehand."

Lydia says. "You're being ridiculous Peter."

"Once it's your child you can make them wear these atrocious colors. In the meantime, I chose what they wear until they can talk and choose themselves. Unless it's ugly. In that case I'll replace it. They'll disappear someday to never return."

Stiles looks dumbfounded. "Seriously???"

Peter shrugs looking unrepentant. "I'll be the one buying it. Yes. I'm serious!"

Cora frowns. "Wait, is it how my green sweatshirt disappeared?"

Peter scoffs. "It wasn't green, it looked like puke. It hurts my eyes every time you put it on, it didn't suit you, you were ridiculous." Cora gapes. "I couldn't let my favorite wears something so ugly." Cora glares. "You really think I was the only one throwing your stuff without your knowledge?" Cora frowns in incomprehension. "Your flute that suddenly disappeared? It was Talia. You were playing the sounds of dying seagulls instead of music, she couldn't bear it anymore. She tried to bribe me into throwing it out, in the end she did it."

Cora squawked. "You said I needed time and practice to be perfect."

Peter hums. "Probably a hundred years at the rhythm with which you learned one simple note." Derek snorts at his sister and Peter smiles. "At least your drawings were good compared to the Mister potatoes of your brothers."

Derek glares. "You liked my drawings. You called them the highlight of your day."

Peter nods, eyes faraway, nostalgic smiles on. "Yeah, I always looked at them when I wanted to have a good laugh. It worked every time. It was so cute." Cora snorts when Derek looks so affronted at the commentary. The other laugh at the anecdotes.

Noah chips in. "I always threw the batteries of the talking toys. After being played 10 times in a row it quickly became irritating. Claudia wasn't happy about it. So, at some point I started hiding them from her too." Stiles hears this story for the first time and smiles at the happy nostalgia felt through the bonds.

Melissa adds. "Scott liked to draw on the wall so much I replace the crayon by not functioning one."

Peter laughs. "I did that too; Laura was so confused. I explained to her that she needed to be nice to them, for them to work again, so she started talking to them and sleeping with them." A little sadness enters Peter's eyes. And Derek's bond.

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