Part 92- Night Ninja is Back!

Start from the beginning

Night Ninja: This!

Boulders from all over the mountain start to come together!

Night Ninja: Meet BB 1 and BB 2! The double b's stand for blasting boulder.

Two boulder monsters stand in front of the PJs!

Scorpion: Oh come on! *gets up*

Catboy: We can take these guys!

Night Ninja: I'd love to stay and chat but I have an ancient fire to unleash. Byeeeeee! *jumps to the stairs*

Gekko: We can't let him unleash the flame!

Owlette: Let's split up! The brothers, the love birds, and Gekko will stay here and stop these guys while Anyu and Catboy come to the summit with me.

Scorpion: Let's get to work, PJ Masks!

Tarantula: Are you sue you want to fight? You took a pretty hard hit.

Scorpion: I'll be fine

Tarantula: *smiles* Alright then.

Owlette, Catboy, and Anyu all head up to the summit.

Night Ninja: How do I unlock the door? Oh wait I can just jump the wall! Ha! Whoever forgot to cover that part up was an absolute idiot!

Night Ninja tries to jump over the wall but is thrown back by an invisible forcefield.

Night Ninja: Oh come on! When was this installed?

Anyu: Night Ninja!

Night Ninja: Oh hey dragon breath! How's it goin?

Anyu: You're plans have gone too far! If you unleash the flame then it will consume everything! It will make its way around the world and burn everything!

Night Ninja: That's what you think! I can control it now!

Anyu: Flames cannot be controlled, Night Ninja!

Catboy: Just stop what you're doing!

Night Ninja: I'd rather not. *opens summit door* So thats the code!

Night Ninja jumps inside of the summit and the heroes follow him! A huge fight break out!

Owlette: Super Owl Swoop! *swoops downs and heaps Night Ninja's arm* Catboy, grab his other arm!

Catboy: You got it! *grabs Night Ninja's other arm*

Owlette: We have you now!

Catboy: You can't escape this time!

Night Ninja: Ninjalinos!

Owlette: Fluttering Feathers!

Catboy: I was wondering when those little rascals would show up.

The ninjalinos pull Catboy and Owlette off of Night Ninja.

Night Ninja: Finally! Back to the flame!

Anyu: Night Ninja, don't do this! The flame was sealed away for a reason! The bad man who started the fire was banished and if you unleash that flame then you will be too!

Night Ninja: So be it! Atleast i'll be banished knowing that I've reached my goal! At least i'll be able to die knowing that I am the greatest ninja ever! I'll be the first and only ninja to destroy mystery mountain! Muhaha!

Anyu: That does it! Grr!

Night Ninja: *gasps* Uh oh...

Anyu eyes start to glow red as she floats into the air!

Anyu: I cannot let you unleash the eternal flame!

Anyu's dragon spirit appears behind her

Anyu: Dragon breath!

Night Ninja: *Jumps out of the way* Over here!

Anyu tries to hit Night Ninja but she misses and triggers a trap

Anyu: Not the tornado trap!

A tornado sucks in Anyu and throws her into the wall

Catboy: All done!

Owlette: *gasps* Anyu!

Night Ninja: Enough! *jumps on top of the pagoda* I've had fun tonight but the party is over now. Time to get fired up!

Owlette: Please don't do that again.

Anyu: That was the worst thing I have ever heard

Catboy: I've been traumatized

Night Ninja: Grr! Shut up! We'll see who's laughing!

Anyu: No!

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