I'm obsess with you

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Five has his own house in this one

~y/n's pov~

I slowly opened my eyes. I immediately noticed that I wasn't in my room. I sat up and scanned the place. Oh great. I'm back at the mansion. I was about to get up but I noticed when I moved that I was chained on the bed. I tried to get out but of course it was no use.

The door slowly opens to reveal five holding a tray of food. I didn't had the mood to eat right now. And I had a frown on my face.

"How was your sleep?" He asked me as he puts the tray down on the bed.

I didn't respond and instead I rolled my eyes. I could hear five sigh and sat down the bed "I know you're mad but please."

"Unchain me you fucking bastard." He raised both of his eye brows and had a frown on his face "Is that how you talk to your ex boyfriend?"

"And is this how you treat your ex girlfriend?!" I placed both of my wrist beside each other "Well I knew you were going to escape and run back to your house."

"Damn right I would." Five just rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Be a bad girl, and stay chained until you're good." Five stood up from the bed and adjusted his suit. He walked out of my room and slammed the door shut.

Its has been 6 hours already. And I was still chained into the bed. I'm so mad at five for doing this. I didn't try breaking out of the chains since I knew it wouldn't work. I was just going to waste my energy.

The door then opens to reveal five. A dash of anger came in my body.

"Did you eat your food yet?"

I snickered "How am I supposed to eat if I'm chained to the bed. I can't even move my wrists." I mentioned.

Five then sat on the bed and grabbed a spoon full of soup, placing it close to my mouth, gesturing me to open my mouth but I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled. Five just sighed and placed the spoon back down the bowl "Fine. I'll remove your chains but don't do anything stupid."

He grabbed his keys from his pocket's and released me from those chains. He went forward and was about to give me a kiss on the forehead but I moved my head backwards. Five just sighed and placed my hand on his lips, giving it a small kiss.

He then placed his hand on my cheek and smiled "Still beautiful like the last time I saw you." He got up from the bed and head out. I just mocked what he said and rolled my eyes. 

I crossed my arms and lean on my pillow with an angry look on my face. How fucking dare he kidnap me after we broke it off weeks ago.

I stood up from the bed and walked around the room that I was in. I opened the closet that was filled with clothes. I scanned every shirt and dresses, on the bottom there were folded shorts and pajamas. Does he expect me to stay here for a long time? 

I noticed a small box that was behind the clothes. I grabbed it and placed it down the floor, I then sat on the floor and opened the box. There, was pictures of me and five. I noticed a small sparkle from behind one of the pictures, I shoved it off and there was a silver necklace with a moon shaped pendant


"Y/n! Look!!" I was on my desk making jewelry for myself until five came in with a smile on his face "What is it, bubba?" 

"I made my first necklace!" He cheerfully said which caused me to chuckle "let me see." He gave me the necklace and I took a closer look on it, very detailed and very beautiful "You did an amazing job!" 

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora