When you call him by your ex's name

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Preference time my fruities!!

"hey Kherbi-" 

Aidan turned around and had his eyes wide and his jaw dropped. He called him by your exs name. "Kherbie? Hun im aidan! Oh my gosh did i did something wrong? My name is aidan sweetie! Aidan! why would you call me by your exs name? sweetheart do you still love him? am i not good enough-"

"Chill hun its just a prank!"

"No social media for a week just incase he texts you again,give me that phone of yours,love"



"Hey donald-" 

Five had furrowed his eyesbrow but was a little hurt since you called him by your exs name "Sweetie im bubba! Im fives,fivey,bubba and bubs! remember? you always call me that! Why would you call be by your ex name! Did i do something wrong? Ive been good for the whole week! Oh my gosh sweetheart do you still like hi-"

"Bubs chill its just a prank!" he rolled his eyes. He stood up and went to you kissing the side of your head 

"Good for a second i thought you still liked that guy. I mean who even names their kid after a fast food restaurant?!"

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now