A battle of two

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Yall are all 13 on this imagine also this is a different story from the my little ice princess becuz im still working on the part 2 of that this is a  different one

The lion academy has been on the umbrella academy's tale for way too long now. It was the umbrella academy's job to finish them...Will they succeed?

~Noone's pov~ 

Five was  downstairs with a coffee mug going back and fourth waiting for his siblings to arrive,while y/n also known as number 8 was sitting on the floor and cooloring on her book "Took you long enough!" Five glared at his siblings, "sorry. We had something to do first" Luther mumbled. Five scoffed and sat on the couch. All of his siblings looked at him waiting for him to talk to them "They took vanya" Five told his siblings. His siblings eye widen "Wait what!? How did they even get in?" Diego questioned "I don't know how but we need to get her back" Klaus said 

"Well we need a plan then" Luther stood up from the couch "No we don't we just need to go in there and get vanya. Easy." Five told them and spacial jumped to his room "Get your shit and lets go" Diego said

~Y/n's pov~

I went to my room to get my bag of stuff I normally get during missions,but before I could let me introduce myself! Hi! Im number 8! My powers include water air and ice. I love coloring and im a very sassy girl well im nice yeah but im also sassy. Now I just need to put the things I need to my bag.

Once I was done I ran downstairs to see my siblings waiting for me "K lets go" We head outside and walked to the building

We arrived at the door step,the stupid one of the family which is infact luther thinks it would be a GREAT idea to just knock on the door,we didn't have a choice since he was the 'leader' of the family 

He rang the belle and we immediately fell to a trap door above us,we all screamed of fear until we got stuck into a,ball? 

"GREAT JOB LUTHER!!" Diego yelled at his brother making him scoff. They were all arguing except for me and five,I have my arms crossed and rolled my eyes "HEY! Idiots! Shut up and calm down!!" They all looked at me with their mouth shuts "Well what do you expect us to do?! We are trap in a freaking ball in someone's basement!" Allison say I scoffed "Idiot." I went thru my bag and grabbed my make up

~Five's  pov~

Y/n was grabbing her make up making my siblings scoff,but I just put my hands on my pockets to see what she''s gonna do "This isn't the time to do make up y/n" Klaus said y/n just ignored him and ripped out a tape and grabbed her make up and brush "What are you doing?"

"Well unlike you I actually use my brain,You see,Im sure some people triggered these traps before,making the owner of he finger print put his finger in the tablet and if I remember correctly.." She grabbed the powder spreading it on the tablet and sticked the tape to it. She grabbed the tape and it revealed the finger print of the owner,smart.

She put the tape with the finger print on it and placed it on to were we needed a finger print to be released. I swear this woman is the girl version of me. The door opened making my siblings shocked and me chuckling,she squeeled and stepped out of the cage.

We looked around the place and heard footsteps,we quickly hid behind a room until it was gone. I peeked my head out to see who it was and it was one of the lion academy students "THAT STUPID Y/N!! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE GETTING THAT AWARD FOR BEST ACTRESS NOT HER!!" A girl yelled at a boy and her hands were now on flames and shot a statue making it burn and turn into ashes, I looked at my siblings who has their eyes widen "Ok they might be pretty scary" Ben whispered y/n scoffed "She's just jealous I got the award than her,I mean come on im the better actress than her admit it." I smirked 

"Calm down flame! Don't worry we have their sister thanks to henry for spying on them for the past 5 days,we also figured out y/n has ice powers. I know them and im sure their gonna be here anytime soon to get their sister,when they do get y/n and toture her,put all your anger to her ok? Just calm down" The boy said I looke dover to y/n who has a terrified look,I grabbed her waist pulling her closer to me "Its gonna be ok I promise I wont let her hurt you" She nodded

"Well well well" We turned to our left and saw one of the kids with a smirk plastered on their faces "FLAME!! CHARLES!! get in here look what I found!" The kid yelled eventually the two kids came in and we were honestly doomed 

The flame girl clapped her hands "And the worst spies award goes to the hargreeves siblings!" and came forward to y/n grabbing her by the neck choking her. I was about to stop her but someone grabbed my hand,it was one of the lion members "Your not going anywhere"

~Y/n's pov~

I can barely breathe,she was sucking th edaylight out of me. I turned to my siblings to see them struggling too,they all had their hands tied and captured by this bitch's siblings.

She was using her fire powers to burn me in the neck making me scream in pain "How do you like that huh?!" I used my left hand putting it on the back and started making an air hole. I then placed it infront of her and she immediately let me go and fell on the ground trying to catch air,but she couldn't because of my air hole.

The boy came forward to us and I put my other hand pointing it at him with my water powers ready "Let.them.go." I  glared at him "im afraid I cannot do that" I smirked at him and chuckled "Its either you let them go or your precious sister will die from not breathing" He looked at his sister and then to me "alright then. Kill her" He knew I couldn't I would never do such a thing 

I glared at him and made a water ball and placed it on his mouth forcingly,I can make a water ball and put it into someones mouth making the person either die from too much water in his body and the water can make it's way to the brain and it can make him cause a coma or it can make the person feel like he/she was drowning 

~Five's pov~

We then found a way to escape them. I punched the guy in the face and dodge his fist. He was on the ground,an icicle was coming closer to him and I saw y/n death staring at him,she was making it. They were all sitting on the floor leaning on the wall all tired from fight us. Y/n did her job and pointed a very pointy icile around them so they cannot escape 

"Snowball let's go your using too much power you'll get tired" I grabbed y/n's wrist gently and we head upstairs to try to find vanya

We went to the attict and saw her tied up in a chair with a handkerchief tied on her mouth to prevent her from screaming. We immediately went over to her untying her and she then stood up and hugged ben,ben hugged her back and tried to calm her sister down 

"We need to g-" We heard a loud thud on the floor I looked on my side to see y/n has fainted "SHIT!!" I then carried her and spacial jumped to the academy leaving my siblings

I placed her on the bed,mom came in and checked up on her "she's going to be mine number five,she just used her powers too much and she's very tired,when she wakes up give her this soup and then let her sleep again" I nodded at mom and she smiled at me "Thank you mom" She nodded and head back downstairs

I held onto her hand and kissed it. I saw her eyes were opening and I smiled at her "What happened?" 

"You were too tired snowball,you used your powers too much causing you to faint. Go to sleep now ok? I promise ill be here when you wake up" She smiled at me and nodded,I kissed her forhead and stroke her hair

"I love you my snowball"

No idea when I made this.

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt