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Request time!! 

I am so sorry this took so long I completely forgot about this request just_me_nevermind

~Y/n's pov~ 

I hated my body. I always thought it was pure disgusting. I hated every single thing about it, especially my stomach. 

I didn't wanna eat. I really did not want to. I wanna loose weight. 

My whole life girls from my school would bully me because I was fat. And I just feel so disgusted with myself. 

I was  in aidan's room while he was downstairs. The door slowly opens to reveal aidan "Princess? Come. Let's go eat. Dinner is ready" I looked at him and placed my phone in the nightstand "I'm not really hungry today.." I lied. 

He came closer and beside me on the bed, he then carried me to his lap and caressed my cheek "darling, I've notice that you aren't eating much for the past couple of days. What's wrong sweetheart?" 

I curled up my bottom lip and looked at him "You can tell me anything" He cooed. 

"I-I..I just feel so fat. You know? Girls from my school bully me every single day and they body shame me. I wanna loose weight, aidy. I'm scared to eat, what if I get fatter?" A little tear ran down my face. 

"Oh sweetheart. You're not fat even if you were I will still love you. Who cares what they think? I love you no matter what happens, ok? Your body is perfect and always will be. I love you so much my darling." He hugs me tightly, and I did the same thing "I love you too" 

He then looked into my eyes with a smile on his face "Now, let's go eat some dinner ok?"

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now