You say their full names

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"AIDAN RYAN GALLAGHER!!" Y/n yelled looking for her boyfriend,she eventually found him at his trailer sitting on the couch with his phone "AIDAN!!" Aidan looked at to her and furrowed his eyebrow "Sheesh doll,I love you but keep your voice down" Y/n glared at him and crossed her arms "Did you hid my stuff animals again?! I can't find them anywhere!!" Aidan gave her a nervous smile and scratched the back of his neck before saying; 

"Uhh I kinda...Hid them somewhere..BUT it wasn't my fault you were hugging your stuff animals moree than me when we go to sleep!! This boy want's cuddles too!!"


"FIVE!!" You yell going downstairs to the kitchen where you know he normally goes, you saw him sitting on a chair with his coffee "Yes doll face?" You roll your eyes at him and cross your arms "Did you threatened that guy we saw at the mall yesterday? WHAT did you say!?" His eyes widen a bit and nervously chuckle. 

"uhmm...Not exactly 'threatened' I might of went over board and uhhh....Lets just say he isn't with us anymore" 




You yell when you burst into his room,you saw him on the bed playing video games,but stopped until you say his full name "Yes princess?" He gave you a sweet smile trying to hide his nervousness 

"You baked cookies without me!!! AGAIN!!"She pouted making nicky chuckle and stood up from the chair putting his arms on your waist and kiss your forehead.

 "sorry princess I forgot to inform you,Wanna bake cookies now?"

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now