𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟖 ; 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐞

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"You thought you could fucking getaway

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"You thought you could fucking getaway... another flying lesson surely should shut you up."

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"Seems you quieted down... heard you all the way from the bathroom yelling and screaming and what not... look." He stood behind the door and opened it, looking down at his feet as he adjusted his towel that hung low around his waist. "I wanted to apologize-" You were nowhere to be seen.

"Sakura.." He looked down at the sudden jolt of your chain. He stood silent for a moment and began to slowly pace towards the side of the bed. "I'm sorry for what I did... I don't know what came over me.. you have shown me nothing but kindness and your sweet demeanor and I've done nothing but... been awful and... clipped your wings-" He slowly paced some more to see you hunched over by the side of the bed.

There was no greed.

No self-want.

No desire for him, only pity. Pity for his own god-forsaken mind. He was angered. Enraged. Foolish even? To just think and begin to correlate in his dark cold and alone mind that maybe... just maybe what he does is just an ounce bit okay. Until it hit him.

Back... to consciousness.

"You son of a bitch." Alarmed. He looked straight ahead to your shrunken figure as the shackle moved slightly under his feet and down went his body. You swung around your body in full force, regardless of the shackles that left you utterly quirk-less. Smashing his head with a pot causing him to fall back, gripping his towel with one hand and his bleeding face with another. He scooted backward, his crimson wings fluffing up. The solemn look of guilt turned into a fiery rage.

"Fuck you. Fuck you for everything you've done." You knelt down to his huffing figure and broke the pot over his shoulder, debris hitting the side of his face leaving nasty crimson blood leaking scars.

"Who's blood is on your fucking hands Keigo!" You tried to reach for another vase from the corner of the room, Keigo lunged for the chain and yanked you back towards him. In a bloody rage, he dragged your body along the cold floor and swung your figure against the wall. You cried out in pain and Keigo had zero remorse for your cries.

"I showed you love and this is what you do to me?"

"This isn't love! Your not the man I knew those days before! Your nothing but a vile piece of shit." Keigo chuckled a bit at her words and began making his way over to the brown tabletop. There laid cascading materials for his bidding but you had better plans for the bird. You tugged the chain and watched him fall down to the floor. Within seconds you were able to loop the chain around Keigo's neck.

"Who's blood is on your hands!" You began to twist the chains watching it tighten around his neck. He grabbed a tuft of feathers that assembled a sword and raised it in the air. The sword shook in his grasp as he did not want to stab you in a vital area.

"Who's damn blood is on your hands!" You twisted the chain some more and watched his eyes roll back. No thought in your mind. No regret. No remorse.

"You make me sick."


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𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝 ; 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐬Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora