𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥...

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"Tick. Tock."

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You are still here.


I thought a sensible young maiden like yourself would have run for the hills?

Quite strange. Peculiar even. Your an oddball aren't you darling? A risk-taker perhaps?

Oh, I love those...

Those who have to take risks... don't go by the book... maybe even take a life or two. Odd really. So, why are you here Sakura?

Why have you picked me to deal with?

I'm quite deranged.

Irritable. Angry even.

Your hunger for destruction and practically something much more sinister up your sleeves.

Perhaps you are more on the delicate side. To rid yourself of what your demise shall be? Sad to see a beautiful young woman like yourself go through such treacherous behavior by someone you gave your favor. Your likings. Your life.

But you know that is how life works!

You give your all and the people you thought loved and acted for you rip your heart out and jar out like maniac criminals out for blood. 

Blood dripping from their brow. Teeth like canines.

Can't you realize that?

Murder is fun and if it means to keep you safe well, a few dead bodies won't hurt anybody. A few bashed-in skulls won't do our love any harm.

You can't completely change people. You can tell them of their wrongs and try to help but they will never stop.

It's a cycle of death and utter despair.

So run along and run far before it's too late and you will also be amongst the corpse that lay across the silky green grass and the broken up concrete of the cold earth floor.

People like you amaze me. Baffle me. Hell... you entice me. Maybe you are the reason the blood is on my hands hm? I mean, c'mon, you like the thrill, don't you?

Back to your game you go now Sakura because Tick fucking Tock.

Your time is almost up.


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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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