⭐️Origin Smp part.1⭐️

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Everyone woke up, but not on the Dream smp. They were all met with a screen. It said 'Choose Origin'. 

Note: People who have already chosen an origin I will not list. I also created my own origins for this.

Here are the selections

Dream and Drista: LightFoot born


Faster than most people

Can buff self (with a 280 second cool down)

Can blind everyone online for 10 seconds (screen flashes)

Immune to slowness and turtle master potions


If killed by anything will loose everything no matter what 

Lightning insta-kills 

Creepers do x2 damage

George: SleepWalker


When sleeping can go into Spector mode

At night gets all buffs 

Permanent night vision 

Feared by phantoms 


Slower run

In the day is slightly weaker

Takes longer for the player to wake up

SapNap: Arsonist 


Any player that is hit by the player's fist sets on fire 

Immune to fire but not lava

Flint and steel does x2 damage (fire and hitting someone) when wielded by an arsonist  

1 extra heart


Takes damage in water 

Cannot hold a water bucket or keep one in inventory

If hit by a player wearing any frost walker will take x2 damage 

Note: Ok, I know Techno has joined but I have a really cool origin for him so yeah

TechnoBlade: Wither


When hitting someone with fist they get the wither effect for 4 seconds

Immune to gold

Gets buffs with 30 second cool down and 40 second time 

Immune to any nether effects (lava, fire, wither, piglim attacks)

Can fly

Extra row of hearts


Spawns in nether

Blows up when dies

Takes extra damage from netherite 

Takes extra damage from any ocean origin or creature

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