Lost in time | Karlnapity

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SapNap paced back and forth in the living room. Quackity was sitting on the couch with a worried look on his face. Karl had been gone for 2 days now. SapNap finally stopped pacing and sat next to Quackity. 

"W-what if he never comes home?!" Quackity asked. He cuddled close to SapNap and started to let tears stream down his face. 

"He'll be home, I promise." SapNap reassured. He let Quackity's head rest on his lap. 

Hours later, SapNap heard the door open. He woke up Quackity.

"Karl! Thank goodness your home! Where have you been?!" Quackity asked frantically.

"I was time traveling.."

"You promised you would stop!!" SapNap screamed. 

"I-I'm so sorry...but I was trying to save lives....please don't get mad..." SapNap sighed. He patted the seat next to him on the couch, signaling Karl to sit next to him. Quackity was resting his head on SapNap's lap and Karl had his head on SapNap's shoulder.

"You 2 are adorable." SapNap said.

"You are too." Quackity yawned. 

"I can agree with Quackster." Karl joked.

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