A day in the life of the minors

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I'm sorry, I'm obsessed with the minors-

Purpled heard his alarm go off. He shut it off and sat up. He rubbed his eyes. He looked at the time. 3:30am, so his alarm wasn't late. It was still dark out. He got out of bed and out on his normal purple sweatshirt and jeans. He grabbed his purple cap from the chair and walked out of his room. He always had to wake up early to take care of everything. Making sure no mobs spawned in the mansion, checking on his siblings, chores, cleaning, and much more. The first thing he did was turn the lanterns brightness up slightly so he could see. No mobs had spawned, so that was good. He first checked on Tubbo, the oldest but easily the most childish. He was curled up in his yellow bed, eyes scrunched closed and hair a wreck. Purpled laughed slightly.


How they all met and became siblings

Purpled was running through the woods. He had just escaped a terrible prison called Hypixel. It wasn't EXACTLY a prison, but it felt like one. He heard someone following him, he turned around. A beautiful woman in a dress painted with a galaxy and stars was floating towards him. 

"H-hello miss. Are you lost, like me?" Purpled asked. The beautiful woman floated towards him.

"No, but I can help you if you are lost." Her voice was vibrational and echoing. 

"Ok! What's your name?" Purpled asked. 

"My name is mother void. Would you like to be my child?" Now, Purpled had to think about this. His real family hated him and left him at Hypixel. He never had a real family. He wanted to know what that was like. Purpled ran to Mother Void and held her hand. She smiled, and leaded Purpled somewhere into the forest. 

"Can I call you mom?" Purpled asked.

"Of course! I just love children! But I've never had one of my own." Mother Void said.

"Oh, why?" Purpled asked

"Well, I'm a VoidWalker. As a female, if I have a child, I will perish hours later. So I help the lost children, adopt them, and give them the best childhood possible." Her voice was no longer echoing and sounded human. 

"How many children have you adopted?" Purpled asked. 

"3 currently. How old are you?" She asked.

"I'm seven!"

"Oh, so there is only 2 younger than you. You will get along swell with the other kids." Purpled was excited. He might meet other kids! 

"Will they be my siblings?" Purpled asked. There was silence for a bit.

"Yes, they will. They won't be biologically your siblings, but they will be your siblings." 

"What does biologically mean?"

"It means that you are related to someone through organs and science. But these siblings will be created through love and friendship!" Mother Void said. She took him to a circular portal that looked just like her dress. "Keep holding my hand ok?" Purpled nodded. She walked into the portal with Purpled. 

Then black

Purpled continued to the next room with Tommy. It was 3:45am now. Tommy was cuddling with his pillow and his covers had been kicked off. 

Flashback continued

Purpled woke up in a bed. He heard other children playing. There was a clock beside the bed. It said 11:37am. He got out of the bed and walked towards the room where he heard the noise, clutching his hands close to his chest. He turned the corner. There were 3 children in a circle, playing duck-duck-goose. Mother avoid watching and giggling. He walked towards the people. 

"Hello! Are you my new siblings?" Purpled asked. A boy with brown hair stood up and hugged Purpled, catching him by surprise. 

"YEAH! I'm Toby, but you can call me Tubbo!" Tubbo exclaimed not stopping the hug.

"I'm Grayson, but you can call me Purpled!" Purpled exclaimed hugging back. Tubbo finally let go. He turned towards 2 boys. One had blond hair and was wearing a white shirt with red at the collar. And the other one was pretty tall and had half black hair and half white hair. He also had a suit. 

"That's Tommy, and the tall one is Ranboo!" Purpled waved. They sat in  a circle together and played duck duck goose.

Then black again

Purpled shut the door and went to Ranboo's room. Even in sleep he was elegant and sophisticated. The blanket covered half his face. 


Purpled woke up to someone shaking him. He opened his eyes. He saw a crying Tubbo.

"Purp! Mom is dying! Please help me!!!" Tubbo spoke though tears. He ran out the door and put is purple cap on. He ran after Tubbo and into Mother Void's room. She was lying on the bed, holding something in a bundle.

"M-mom?! W-what's wrong?! Are y-you o-o-ok?!" Tommy stuttered. He was also crying. Mother Void dint look the same. She had bags under her eyes which were dull and grey, while her normal eyes were a brilliant shade of purple. Her long white hair was messy and tangled. Her clothes wrinkled. She put the bundle next to her. 

"M-my beautiful children....you have a sister now..."

"B-but you said i-if you had a child o-of your own you would d-d-die!" Purpled suffered. Tears fell down his cheeks and onto the magnificent white mattress. 

"I-I know...but it wasn't my decision..."

"W-what's in the bundle...?"

"Well....that's your new sister...."

Haha cliffhanger 😈

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