But since the last time he killed the humans who attacked me he wasn't taking any chances with doing it again.

"Naruto I'm going to need you to be extra quiet and still for me." Papa told me as he put me into a tree hole he had carved out.

"Where are you going to go papa? I don't want to be alone." I whined holding onto his sleeve.

"Don't worry I will be back soon ok but you have to stay hidden and quiet." Papa reassured me.

I watched as he covered the hole with the piece of wood he carved out and left. It wasn't long till I heard the slashing, dodging, and angry yells of the villagers.

I knew that papa could only dodge or block the attacks but he could never really defend himself because of the hokage.

I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs and cries.

I had fallen asleep and Tenzo was the one to find me. He took me back to the estate where Papa was healing himself with medical ninjutsu.

I was horrified by the wounds all across his body. He apologized for not coming to get me but I told him it was fine. I held onto him for dear life the whole day.

End of flashback

I began to sob and tremble as the memory replayed in my head.


My ears began to twitch but I didn't lift my head. I thought I could hear someone talking to me but my cries muffled it out.

I was than brought back to my senses by the old sage shaking me.

"Hey kid are you all right?" He questioned with a surprisingly worried expression.

I tackled him into a hug holding onto him for dear life. I don't know why I did it but I did. He smelled of garlic pickled with Japanese basil and karaage-fried chicken. It was funny but calming in a way but I didn't stop trembling.

I could feel him pat my back which only helped a little.

After awhile I was able to calm down and he sat beside me.

"What the hell was that about you brat." The old sage asked.

"W-when you put me in that gourd it brought back some memories." I mumbled with my tail around my leg.

"Sorry kid didn't know you had trauma around stuff like that." He apologized rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine." I replied simply.

"Not to be nosey but does that trauma have anything to do with your cosplay?" He asked.

"Cosplay? What do you mean?" I questioned looking at him like a total idiot.

"Your fake ears and tails, that's what I mean." He replied pointing to my features.

"There 100% real! I was born like this." I retorted shifting my ears and tails to prove it.

He just nodded seriously. I felt like he understood but still didn't believe me.

"What are you going to do about my training?" I said bringing up the topic again.

The Kitsune Child (originally named Kurama's Child)Where stories live. Discover now