Crowe: "you flatter me Lexi." He says angering Lexi who zooms towards as Crowe readies to block the attack but feels himself get punched in the face as he takes a moment to process what the hell happened as he's hit in the face again. "Well that's something." He says blocking the next punch but Lexi lands a flurry of punches to his stomach which definitely stings to a degree.

Crowe uses magic to enhance his strength and pushes Lexi back who catches herself and zooms towards Crowe as his eyes widen and is dropkicked in the chest being sent back across the sand but gets to his feet catching both of Lexi's fists.

Crowe: "you done yet?" He asks as Lexi hops up kneeing him in the jaw as Crowe growls out in irritation.

Dante: "that's enough!" He says with his booming voice as Crowe and Lexi back away from each other. "I know things between you aren't great but that doesn't excuse fighting each other!" He lectures as Lexi and Crowe both sigh heavily.

Lexi & Crowe: "we're sorry headmaster, it won't happen again." As Dante nods saying he'll hold them to it.

Dante: "Crowe the others and I wish to speak with you." He says as Crowe nods grabbing Death's Omen and follows Dante. "Was the fight necessary?"

Crowe: "I figured she needed it." He points out as they arrive at Dante's office.

Cedric: "young Crowe how was your pointless search for the first gargoyle?" He asks with clear sarcasm.

Crowe: "about as pointless as those scars you have." He rebuttals but Alec gets his attention.

Alec: "this whole Athorazen thing, you sure it's legit?" As Crowe sits down taking a sip from his flask.

Crowe: "I tortured and killed five demons and they all said the same thing, Athorazen is a half demon attending this academy, you need to question all male recruits."

Roxanne: "right cause that's not gonna cause a scare among the students, plus it's a stupid idea to begin with, if a student is this Athorazen and we start asking then Athorazen is gonna be alerted and possibly cause a terrible accident." She points out as Alec agrees with her.

Alec: "precisely and not to mention, why hasn't Athorazen done anything like sabotage our supplies along those lines?" He asks as Crowe retorts saying he might just be spy with no further objective.

Simon: "unlikely, demons know we can kill them and with little effort when we have the numbers." He says as Crowe sighs heavily feeling everyone is against him.

Cedric: "we're not denying this Athorazen's existence, we just don't think it's a good idea to directly question the students, being discreet would be a wise option." He says as Crowe retorts saying it'd take too long.

Dante: "Crowe if we rush this we might accuse the wrong student and get more students killed in the process, we're gonna be discreet."

Crowe: "very well but why the hell do I sense I shapeshifter?" He questions with little amusement.

Roxanne: "that would be Sigurd Wolfson, the only living heir to the last king... Don't you even think of hurting him." She threatens as Crowe raises his hands seeing this.

Crowe: "I wasn't planning on it, a shapeshifter could be handy... I guess." He says as Roxanne drops it for now. "But is anyone gonna tell me why the hell Lexi says she has a brother?"

Simon: "cause she does, Lexington is me and Mary's first child who unfortunately went missing after he was born." As Crowe looks in confusion and says something very insensitive.

Crowe: "how the hell do you lose an infant?" As Simon punches a hole in the wall annoyed by this. "My apologies." He says recognizing what he said was in poor taste.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now