Elyria: "personally huh? " She says as Lexington scratches the back his head realizing it sounded rather personal. "Relax Lex, it means a lot that you support me."

Lexington: "of course, you've been there for me even though you didn't need to." He says genuinely grateful for all she's done.

Elyria: "I guess no matter if you're human or elf, that's what friends are for." She says moving her hand closer to his which he notices.

Lexington: "El I uh... Thank you for being there for me." He says placing his hand under Elyria's who is somewhat flustered as she's struggling to process what she's thinking.

Elyria: "um okay I uh finished your sword." She says handing the blade on its sheath to Lexington who pulls it out examining the black steel and the three runes engraved into it.

Lexington: "El she's beautiful... Not as beautiful as you of course." He says as Elyria has wide eyes like an owl. "Uh was that too much?" He asks worryingly but Elyria shakes her head.

Elyria: "no no it's fine!" She assures but can't help but be curious about something that's been eating away at her. "Lex... Is there something between us?" She asks as Lexington asks what she means. "it's just... We've been through a lot these past few months, some of it dangerous and now I see you as a great friend but I can't help but feel there may be something more... I know I feel that way but do you?"

Lexington: "you feel that way towards me?" He asks surprised but Robyn immediately comes to mind.

Elyria: "for a couple weeks I have but I wasn't sure how you'd react given... Well... You know." She says referring to Robyn as Lexington can understand her hesitation.

Lexington: "I... You're definitely a good woman El and I like the idea but I don't think you should deal with the baggage I carry, I may be overprotective cause of what happened to Robyn and I don't wanna treat you as if you can't defend yourself." He admits as Elyria gently grabs his hand causing him to look over seeing her look flustered.

Elyria: "my baggage isn't that great either, my father would not accept you at all and he'd treat you poorly... I don't want you to go through that." She says as Lexington uses his free hand to move some hair strands out of her face.

Lexington: "maybe but even with baggage, it's a worth shot no?" He asks as Elyria stammers somewhat surprised that he looks to be accepting. "El... I want to give this no... Us a try, is that... Okay?" He asks worried as Elyria smiles with joy and a slight blush.

Elyria: "that's more then okay." She says as they look at each other for a couple seconds. "With my people, we usually don't kiss till we give our vows to each other but... You're not an elf so it doesn't matter." She says as Lexington gently touches her cheeks.

Lexington: "you sure?" He asks just making sure as Elyria touches his hand and nods as Lexington stares for a second and places his lips onto hers as Elyria is somewhat surprised that it feels like this but closes her eyes returning the kiss feeling Lexington stroke her hair as he's being as gentle as possible knowing that this is a first for her. "How was that?" He asks as Elyria pants lightly but smiles.

Elyria: "I think I understand why my elf friends were making a big deal of it, that felt great... You felt great." She says smiling as Lexington chuckles to himself. "But are you truly okay with this? Given what happened to Robyn I wouldn't blame you for wanting to take some time to think." She says as Lexington places his forehead against hers.

Lexington: "I'm okay with this, I have to move on eventually otherwise... I may never be happy." He says as Elyria nods understanding. "Plus... I'd be a fool not to be okay with this." He says as Elyria raises her brow at this. "Cause you're cute, beautiful... Amongst other things." He says flirting as Elyria picks up on that.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin