"Sorry, I got sidetracked talking to Finn. I'm good, the flight was short and definitely not sweet unlike my gorgeous fiancée is." 

  Finn makes a gagging noise and Charlotte laughs before throwing her napkin at him. 

"Tell Finn, I say Hi!" 

"Mal says Hi!" 

"Tell her Hi back." 

"You getting ready for training?" 

"Yeah, all packed and ready to go. Just waiting on Andi." 

"Kick some grass out there today, Pugh." 

She hears Mal laugh, "I'll do my best; I'm still being watched and limited." 

"I know, but, once you're back to 100% it will all be worthwhile."

"I better go, I'm getting a look from Andi; call me later, okay?" 

"Of course. Love you, Mally." 

"Love you, C.J." 

"You ready to hit the road, Charlie?" 

Charlotte looks at Finn smiles and nods, "Yeah, let's go. Can we just head to my place?"

Finn nods and stands up, reaching over for Charlotte's hand to help her up and she laughs, "Such a gentleman, Finnegan." 

"Shut up! I was simply trying to be nice." 

They both laugh, "I've missed you, Finn." 

"Missed you, too, Charlie; I mean, I love Kenz, but, she doesn't get me the way that you do, you know?" 

"I get it and it's the same with Mal and me. I love her with everything in me, but, sometimes it seems like we aren't speaking the same language." 

They make the relatively short drive back to the Gordon's and Finn lets them inside. 

"Is that still your original key or did my sister give you a new one, so you could sneak in to keep her warm at night?" 

Finn bursts out laughing, "Not gonna lie and say I don't use it for that every now and again, but, it's still the original key your Mom gave me for when you kept losing or forgetting yours." 

"Please, no, booty calls while I'm home, okay?" 

"Talk to your sister, she's the one who can't get enough of this guy."

Charlotte makes like she's going to throw up in response to the comment, causing them both to burst out in laughter. 

They carry Charlotte's suitcases back to her bedroom and then make their over to the office to sit down on the couch. 

"It feels so good to be back in here." 

"Your Mom made sure that it was clean and didn't move any of your papers, just in case." 

"Please tell me that you and Kenz haven't done anything in here."

"No. We both know how important this room is to you and would never do anything to tarnish it for you." 

"I appreciate that." 

"Can I ask you something, Finn? I mean, I want to ask you something but I'm not sure what you'll think of it or the question."

"Charlie, just ask your question."

Charlotte takes a breath, "Do you want to have kids?" 

Finn looks at her, "Umm... yeah, where's this coming from?"

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