The Reign of the Moon

Start from the beginning

He entered and saw the doctors standing among the living room. Their shirts and coats were filthy with dirt and oil, as well as their hair. Tools and old radios were nearby but only static with occasional muffled voices came through. And on the table was Roll, encased in a chamber with wires attached on all sides. He wanted to cry at the sight.

"Dr. Light!" He called for his father. The good doctor jolted at the sound of his son and teared up seeing him standing. They ran to each other and gave a tight hug, to which neither were letting go.

"Rock, thank heavens you're all right! Is anything wrong?! Are all of your systems working?!" The doctor asked frantically. The little robot patted his creator's back but his eyes were locked on Roll. With a light push, he looked his father in the eyes.

"I'm fine. A little slow, but fine. What happened to you and Astil? Why is the greenhouse covered in vines? Wh-Why is Roll in a chamber?"

Light didn't answer, and Astil was fidgeting with a vial. Plantman placed his hand on the capsule holding Roll, sadly looking at her somewhat peaceful look. Everyone exchanged glances and took a seat. Rock watched his sister carefully but looked away when Dr. Light cleared his throat.

"Rock, after you were attacked by the strange robot, a electromagnetic wave circled the world in minutes and all technology have been forcibly disconnected and shut down. Every city has been under a constant blackout for a few weeks, and the wave impacted your sister the hardest. It seems we were point blank range of the wave, and she made sure you were okay before her systems were shut down."

"Sis! Sister, please wake up!" Rock ran to the capsule, banging on the glass. His sister remained unmoving.

"Megaman don't! This is the only working technology we have in the house, we don't want it destroyed!" Astil said. Dr. Light pulled Rock away and hugged him again. Rock was shaking in fear and wondered how he had let this happen.

"Easy my son, it's alright. We managed to stabilize her enough to prevent her from frying." Light spoke softly, but was afraid to let go of him.

"Are robot masters around the world suffering from this as well?"

"As far as I know, yes. I tried contacting your brothers, and none of them have responded. I'm sorry Rock."

"Guys..." Rock mumbled. "But if the world is suffering from a blackout, then how am I online?"

"That would be my doing." Astil said. "A few years back, I was developing a new kind of mixture that would combine biological enzymes with mechanical fluid. The new liner was to be used as a coating for complex tech like robots and government machinery. The biological enzymes mixed in the coating would allow it to protect the tech from hackers or worse a EMP. That's how Plantman was able to endure the wave, and how you are able to function even with our close proximity to the source. I had stopped production and further expanding the product for a long time, but I restarted the process after the signals started reappearing. I wanted to prepare for anything, especially for what that cursed temple has to throw."

"You know the temple? Is it why you have it crossed out on your map?"

Astil took a shuddering breath and clutched the sleeve to his missing arm. Plant came to him and leaned to him. "I think it's best if we tell them."

"Three years ago, there was a strong electromagnetic signal coming from the temples and interfering with passing airliners. The United Nations gathered a small group to traverse the Amazon and find the source of the signal. I was supposed to gather any logical reason as to what was causing it. Earthquakes, unstable ground or anything similar. The truth to it was far worse than any of us thought."

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