65. there's more

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Jae's pov

Do you know what it's like to have the oxygen sucked out of your lungs while the world around you vanishes and freezes in time? In my case, the only person who can divert my attention away from the great love and pain of being apart from them for such a long time is standing in front of me.

"Ellie Mae,"  My breathing becomes labored as I trail my eyes down her body, which I had missed in my arms, and the realization that she is in front of me hits me. I blink carefully, trying to take in her new look, which has changed dramatically in the past year. I love it.

Her cheekbones and nose are accentuated by the freckles that I admire. Her hair has been trimmed into layers and now flows down to her mid-back rather than her waist, as it did the last time I saw her. Her hair, dyed a lighter shade of brown with highlights that contrast her honey eyes, has me swooning over it since it looks so good on her. And her eyes, which make me feel like I'm falling in love with her all over again after seeing her for a long time.

So much has changed with her, but the thing that strikes me the most is her aura, which exudes a new level of confidence and power. Her presence was intimidating and nearly unpredictable last year, but this time it appears she's confident and comfortable with herself. She looks like it with the way she radiates that energy through her features and presence that's inches away.

My eyes melt into hers as my heart beats too quickly for me to notice how beautiful and flawless she is, exactly as I remembered but even better. Her looks reveal a lot of development, maturity, and, most significantly, happiness.

"Jae," I drop my bags as she runs up to me and jumps into my arms. I exhale a sigh of relief as I realized that after a year of not seeing or knowing anything about her, I could finally feel her arms and legs wrapping around me. As we draw closer together, I press my face farther into the crook of her neck.

Her perfume fills my senses, reminding me how much I've missed her and how she's truly in my grasp. After numerous wishes on shooting stars, it finally comes true after days of dreaming and imagining her to be with me. I kiss her neck while placing my hand on her head, enjoying the softness of her new hair. I notice our breaths heaving together because I realize we're both crying as the world falls silent, leaving only us to be in each other's presence.

"Happy birthday, Ellie Mae," I say as she moves her head away from my neck to get a better look at me. Her gaze wanders over my features, and her hands reach for my face. As she gently touches my skin with her soft fingertips, I instinctively lean into her touch, which causes goosebumps all over my body.

"You're here," she says softly, her grin brightening my heart as I notice the range of emotions that had returned to her eyes and expression since the last time I saw her.

"I'm here," I place my lips on hers, comforted by the fact that I can now taste her flavor, which I've craved since she left. Every bit of her I've been lacking is crashing down around me as I pour all of my eagerness and love for her that I haven't been able to express, and in one kiss that takes my breath away.

As I rub her back, her hand reaches for the back of my neck, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss, which I gladly accept because I can't seem to let go. Especially after the times when she wasn't by my side.

"I love you," I say, wiping tears from her cheeks while resting my forehead against her and matching our breaths. When I raise my eyes to meet hers, a huge smile arises on her face, making my stomach flutter at how real and full of joy her smile is.

"I love you," she says, and I bite my cheek to keep the tears from streaming down my face, kissing her on the forehead and lingering my lips on her skin as I enjoy the sensation of her words, which I'm still not used to because it still gives me shivers whenever I think about it.

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