20. Tony isn't it?

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Jae's pov

When I spot Theo for the bench press, he says, "I'm in a crisis, I like a girl, but she has a boyfriend. What should I do?" He asks.

"That doesn't always work out," I tell him frankly. "They go through a lot of shit in all the romance movies I've seen."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" As he sits up after finishing his set, Theo fake cries and wipes away the fake tears from his face. "I need to move on from her."

"Yes, particularly because the girl's boyfriend is a member of the team." When I smirk at Theo and he looks at me with wide eyes, he throws his sweaty towel in my face.

"How did you figure that out?" Theo whispers loudly, his eyes darting from side to side to see if someone is listening. He grips the sides of my shirt and pulls me in tight.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow. "That you have a secret crush on Sofie?"

"Yes, now shhh," he says, pinching my lips and making my brows furrow.

I mumble in his grip on my mouth, "Theo, you say her name every...single...night," as I watch his jaw drop, making me laugh at his reaction.

"No I do not," he shrieks, placing an accusing finger on my chest.

"What ever you say," I shrug and ruffle his hair before regretting it because his dirty blond hair is drenched in sweat. Before going on to the next machine with Theo, I wipe my hand on my towel several times.

"Do you know who's hot?" I furrow my brows as I hear "the intern," but I dismiss the remark and concentrate on spotting Theo once more. I remember him scrunching his face until it becomes flushed with red and sweat.

"Who? Cassidy," someone says making me lower the bar, prompting Theo to quickly push it back up and place it on its side. As Theo places his hands on his hips and gives me one of those looks my mother gives me, I give an apologetic look. His brows furrowed in anger, his lips pursed, and his foot tapping to the loud music throughout the gym.

"Yes, her, and what is her name...Ellie," I hear, recognizing to two guys in the corner of the room who are squirting water into their mouths from a Gatorade water bottle. I narrow my eyes and approach them quietly, pretending to work at a different machine.

"Can you tell me what you're doing?" I was too preoccupied with listening to their conversation to hear Theo whisper in my ear.

"Ellie is said to have good puss-" As I dragged him to the wall and locked him in place, the man couldn't finish his sentence.

I murmur, conscious of the growing audience around us, "Don't finish that sentence."

"And who are you?" I tighten my hold on the guy's shirt as he scoffs. I remember I haven't seen him before as my gaze wanders over his blond hair and brown eyes. My mouth forms a scowl as I shake my head and bite my tongue in response to the many insults I want to utter.

"Why are you so upset? I heard you've been spending a lot of time with Ellie," he grins, aggravating my scowl. "Can you tell me if she's as good in bed as every guy claims?"

I let go of his shirt and threw his back against the wall, disgusted and disbelieving. I take a step back, but he takes a step closer to me as a result.

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