22. nightmares

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"What color should I try next?" Malcom flips his silver hair back and forth as he looks in the spoon as a mirror.

Sofie rolls her eyes as she eats her cereal and says, "I hope your hair falls off-"


Sofie rubs her arm in pain after Malcom throws an apple at her, causing her to glare at him with all her rage. Instead of looking in between them, I take a bite of my oatmeal, unconcerned about their differences because I've had to deal with them for three years. The sound of the doorbell draws our attention, prompting Malcom and Sofie to dash to the door; I narrow my eyes as I take another bite of my breakfast as I watch them drive away.

"Oh shit," Malcom exclaims, and when I turn around to look at them, I see smirks on their faces as they exit the penthouse, shutting the door behind them. I return my attention to my phone and breakfast, oblivious to their antics, before they both walk in with Jae a few minutes later.

My eyes widen as I place my spoon on the table, shocked to see him here at 7 a.m. I narrow my eyes as I watch him step nervously on each foot, but he finally straightens up and meets my gaze. I lift my brow, but he shrugs, as if he doesn't want to address my point. I roll my eyes and vomit the oatmeal in my mouth when I see Sofie miming a make out and Malcom humping the air behind him.

"OK, that's enough," I say as the two make even more rude movements that I'd rather forget. "What are you doing here?"

His skin glows in the morning light streaming in through our floor-to-ceiling windows, his hair is slightly damp from a morning shower, causing tiny strands to fall in front of his face, which he pushes back, and his lips shine from what I assume is lip balm. He's also dressed casually in a Nike crew neck, matching shoes, and jeans. I nod my head in approval of his attire, and he reciprocates with a smile.

"I want to take you somewhere after school," he says, his grin widening as my brows rise.


"I told you I wanted to make it up to you," he says, a sheepish grin crossing my face. He probably thinks I'm upset that he got into a fight with Tony, but I couldn't care less about it. I'm grateful for him standing up for me, which makes me admire his attempts to make things right, but I'm not concerned about what he decides to do.

"So, what are you here for?" I take a step closer, watching him swallow his nerves and letting out a low chuckle of my own. I hear him clearing his throat and fiddling with the ends of his sweater before turning to face me with a confident smile. I raise my eyes to meet his hazel eyes, pleading for him to admit it.

He mumbles shyly, "I'm here to drive us to school," and I almost gasp at how adorable he looks with his frowns and furrowed brows, but instead I laugh at his efforts.

"Why don't I drive?" I turn him around by his shoulders and pat him on the face.

"Wait what?" As I lead him to the door, his eyes widen and he looks at me puzzled. He furrows his brows and stares at the floor, attempting to decipher the meaning of my words when it's actually very clear.

"I'm driving us to school; I don't need you to," she says. To get into the garage, I take the card and throw it to him. He looks down at it, then at me, confused, and when I smile and tilt my head, I shut the door in his face, turning his face into recognition.

"You didn't just do that," Malcom cries from behind me, and I turn around to see his jaw on the ground. "I had no idea she was making things so difficult for him."

Sofie scoffs as she pulls me to my room, "She's a badass, so I understand why. Get ready; you have a date to get to."

I'm about to throw the candle on my side table at her, but it's too late when she dashes out the door and shuts it behind her.

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