21. lucky to have you

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Jae's pov

"Theo I don't think so "I come to a halt when I see Theo grabbing my arm and dragging me down Ellie's penthouse hallways.

"Malcom told me he wanted you to come," Theo beams, but when he knocks on the door, he comes to a halt in the middle and slowly turns to face me. "Did you get a present?"

"Of course," I say as I pull out the jewellery box Ellie helped me find.

"Good," Theo says as he wipes his forehead and swings the door wide open. I furrow my brows, unsure whether or not I should join him because he just invites himself.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU," Theo sings in an operatic tone, causing everyone in the living room to turn to look at us. As their focus turns to us, I hide behind Theo's shadows, worried and scared for myself. When I look up, the first person I see is Ellie, followed by Eric.

For a split second, my heart stops pounding, afraid to meet his eyes because I'm still hurting him by being with Cassidy. I see him give a sheepish smile before returning his attention to the girl next to him and dragging her to the couch.

"Everyone meet Jae, this has been my closest buddy since kindergarten," Theo says as I shyly wave around the room, feeling judged, as I should. "What's the matter?" Everyone reacts frantically and walks towards us as Theo's smile transforms into a sad frown.

"Jae," Malcom says, patting my pockets and making me lift my hands, afraid of delaying the progress. He reaches into the pocket of my jacket and takes out the box with a silver chain and his initial M engraved on it.

"You're so fucking weird," Sofie grumbles, hugging Theo on the side before hugging me and sending an apologetic smile my way for Malcom's behaviour, which I disregard. After Aaron greets us with a bro hug and awkwardly heads back to the living room, Sofie goes back into his side.

"What the fuck Jae?" Malcom exclaims, his gaze falling on his present. "How did you know this was something I wanted?"

"I can't tell you my secrets," I grin, looking over his shoulder to see Ellie coming into the kitchen and stealing a glance my way.

"Thank you," Malcom says as he blows kisses our way and Theo pulls me into the living room, where everyone is gathering. I slither in between Eric and Theo, but it's not until Ellie squeezes in next to me. I observe her feigning a smile before quickly looking at me and smiling. She returns her gaze to the group, causing me to swallow my nerves.

Malcom claps, drawing the girl's attention. "Goddesses help me with the cake," he says. Sofie and the girl with Eric have moved to the kitchen, but Ellie remains in the living room with the boys, only shifting her place away from me when Theo and Aaron join the ladies. As a result, I'm left alone with Eric, which makes me even more anxious than before.

"Don't be tense Jae, I already know," He says as I look up and see Eric's smile. "I moved on a long time ago, it's been a few years."

I shake my head, not accepting his comment. "I'm sorry Eric," I say. "I was greedy at the time, and I didn't think about other people's feelings. I lost one of the people I care about the most, as well as a good friend, in the process. I'm really sorry, and I'll do whatever I can to make things right, as I'm doing my best for the rest."

"Jae," Eric says, putting his hand on my shoulder and rubbing it gently. I look up, embarrassed, and see a sincere smile on his face, which makes me feel a little better. "I knew Cassidy wasn't meant to be with me at the time; yes, I was hurt because it was so sudden, but I also knew we weren't meant to be together. It was easier for me to accept it and move on, but..." His gaze shifted to Ellie beside me, causing his smile to fade, and I realised right away how different it must've been for her from the way his face changed.

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