2. the Russo

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"Malcom," I try and say calmly, swinging the doors open to a random office downtown. My heels echo on the marble floors. As well as my gaze set on a sheepish smiling Malcom.

"Love your outfit," he gushes

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"Love your outfit," he gushes.

"Cut to the chase." I raise an unimpressed brow because of his successful attempt at pulling me out of work. I was peacefully minding my business until the infamous 'Malcom' contact appeared on my phone.

"The fucking bitch won't cooperate." He whispers harshly, then points with his eyes to a woman behind the lobby's desk.

"Did you try to talk to her?"

"No..." He looks around the room, while I think about how he survived this industry.

"You bribed her didn't you?" When he gives me a guilty looking expression, I laugh at his choice of strategy. One that he always uses but then realizes too late that it'd never work. "I'll try," I make my way towards the woman. Her hair is pulled back into a low bun, with round glasses framing determined pair of eyes and most importantly, the noticeable bright red lipstick.

"How can I help you?" She looks up from the computer screen.

"My boss made an appointment by mistake and we'd like to cancel the meeting with your company's CEO." I say politely.

"Who's your boss?" She adjusts the glasses on her nose. I notice Malcom clenching his hands into fists, forcing me to cover them with my hand to calm him down.

"Russo," she runs the name through the system. This infuriates Malcom because you'd think she get a hint that we're working together and obviously referencing the same person.

"Russo what?" She looks up. I almost lose my patience too, considering it's quite evident that we all know who we're talking about.

"Look, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but earlier I just gave you the name of my grandpapa, so before you act dumb with the Ellie then you should—"

"Okay..." I cut him off before the situation worsens but the damage is done due to the judgmental glare the woman is handing over to us. "I think you know." I reason with her.

"The Russo?".

"Yes, the Russo." I confirm her assumptions with a brief nod. Her eyes suddenly anxious looks in between me and Malcom.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that." When I thought she'd be lenient, she comes to a decision.

"And why is that?" Malcom snarls.

"I—" her mouth opens and closes. "We need a confirmation from Russo. I'm under strict instructions by the higher admin. They're expecting him soon so I have no control over the schedule of the meeting."

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