Finally, Shadow slipped on a rock and a Gemini laser hit him point blank in the face. The clones all fired on him, the lasers hitting every point of his body. Shadow fell to the ground as Gemini grabbed the top of his head. He had him right where he wanted him, with a laser pointer between his eyes.

"Where the hell are my brothers?" He spat.

The ninja, despite his situation, only glared and spat back. Gemini roared and was ready to fire, but a laugh made him stop. It was a familiar laugh, the same taunting laugh that joked about his looks and talked about his snakes. But this wasn't that joking laugh. The laugh felt forced and lower than humanely possible. He turned to his green reptilian brother, side by side with his younger orange brother, standing still with weapons drawn.

What made his stomach drop was their eyes, which remained unusually wide with blank pupils. Snake laughed again with a guttural growl, his voice warped in a lower tone.

"How touching of you to finally care."

Snakeman leapt for for the true Gemini, claws unsheathed and scratching his buster and chest. The shock of his brother's attack made the clones disappear. The brainwashed Topman rushed to Shadow's side, offering a hand with a grin. The ninja blinked before pushing the offer, forcing himself upright. "Get the other two." Nodding, the ninja and spinner robot readied their weapons and charged Hardman and Needleman.

Gemini screamed as Snake thrashed him around. His terrified eyes met the emotionless red ones of his brother, and the snake robot grinned as his scratched his clawed hand against Gem's face. Raising his pinned leg as high as he could, he kicked his brother off and grazed his finger against his cheeks. He felt a dent under his eyes, and he grabbed a shard of his reflective chest armor. Starting from the bottom of each eye was a deep cut running down to the ends of his chin, oil flowing out like black tears. He gasped in horror of what his brother had done, and he wasn't prepared for Snake sprinting towards him once more.

He raised the buster but it was too late. Snake's tail had whipped him in the neck, forcing him to the ground. Gem couldn't see from the oil smeared across his face. All he could do was scream his brother's name, and Snake plunged his teeth into the neck.

Snake, with his mouth covered with his brother's oil, looked to Shadow and Top. They were surrounding Needleman and Hardman, who continued to block the door to the greenhouse. He approached the ninja's side like a bodyguard, ready to strike when given the chance.

"Still want to do this?" He asked.

"Go to the scrap heap, you little monster!" Needleman was ready to fire, but he heard a piercing ringing in his receptors. It quickly got louder and louder until he body started to shake. He yelled in pain as he fell to his knees. "What is happening?!? Hard, what is-!" Needle couldn't concentrate by the sheer force of the noise. He got the courage to look for a second, and Hard's body rolled on the grass with his eyes completely white. Steam bellowed from all over the body, and Needle soon felt himself going hot.

The three robots only stared at the robot, ignoring his distress and pain. Then Shadow smiled.

"Prepare yourself."



A blast emitted from the heart of the temple and spread past the heart of the Amazon to surrounding towns. The surrounding towns soon was past and next the far away cities. The lights turned off like little switches by the large EMP, and the wave continued to move fast, racing past farther cities, and not too long the country went dark. The blast travelled across the ocean, the cities and people on the other side unaware of the horrors about to happen.

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