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   "No because What the fuck is that?" Ed stopped and stared at the large bird guarding its nest. The two had finally reached their destination and stood at the foot of the mountain in awe and fear of the giant bird. They'd decided to just try to get the item now instead of sleeping the night, because they wanted to get it over with.
    "That's definitely not big bird from sesame street," Enne muttered under her breath. The bird looked like a stork or maybe a crane, she didn't know much about birds but then again who does. The size of the creature's beak alone was larger than both Enne and Edmund combined.
    "It hasn't seen us yet, you think we can just go back and say we didn't find anything?" Ed asked still not looking away from the creature.
    "That's actually the most tempting offer, but I guess we should at least try," Enne replied also not looking away from the bird.
    "You realize a failed attempt at this means that we die, right?"
    "Let's just not overthink it, did you see a jewel anywhere?"
    "Are you ignoring the very obvious giant blue jewel floating above its head?"
   "I was just hoping that wasn't the one we needed," Enne looked around the setting quickly.

    The birds nest sat at the base of a large stone with the stork/crane sitting atop it. Around them was various bushes they could hide in but none close enough to the bird or it's nest.
    The bird itself was emitting some sort of blue magic, which also surrounded the jewel above its head.

    "Maybe we can wait for it to fall asleep or something" Ed suggested
    "I think we need a better plan than that but I honestly don't care,"
    Suddenly the bird moved, its wingspan being larger that a football stadium. It opened its wings and with one large flap took off to the sky, creating a wind that was strong enough to push Enne and Edmund back a few steps.
    "Ok nows our chance let's look around near the nest just in case"
    "What you think it's gunna have other jewels that it switches out everyday" Edmund rolled his eyes as he followed the girl sneaking towards the birds nest.

    "Oh jheez there's actually eggs in here," Edmund looked at the large blue eggs that were bigger than he was, "If she comes back and we're still here she's gunna be pissssedddd"
    "Thank you Edmund for this helpful commentary" Enne rolled her eyes as she looked around the eggs for any type of jewel.
    "She's coming back! We gotta move now" Ed yelled climbing out of the nest and turning to help Enne out too. Suddenly the bird landed directly in front of them, the impact strong enough to make Enne and Ed fall to the ground.
  It was quiet for a moment, dead silent as the two dared not to even breathe. Edmund slowly shifted in front of Enne in a weak yet brave attempt of protecting her.

   Then the bird opened its beak and screeched in their faces, to which Edmund nearly passed out but he'd never admit that.
   "RunRunRunRun Go go now go!" The two scrambled to their feet and ran as fast as they could, Edmund practically dragging Enne behind him.
   The bird screeched again but this time picked up Edmund with its beak.
  "Enne run!"
  They both knew she wasn't going to leave him. Panicking, she tried to calm her nerves to think of a solution but the thought of Edmund getting hurt was making it harder than it should be. Also because there was still a giant screeching bird running after her, why is it running what the heck? Wow birds are somehow scarier when they run, never noticed that. With a sudden realization an idea popped into her head, "I really hope this works" the girl muttered. Closing her eyes she tried to recall how she used her magic to control that bird the first time she collected water with Edmund.
   She willed her magic to take over the large stork/crane and slowly the bird came to a stop and placed Edmund down.
   It then made its way over to the girl and bowed its head, presenting the glittering stone. Gently, Enne reached out and took the jewel, careful not to hurt the creature. She grabbed Ed's arm and while maintaining eye contact with the bird they backed out of its territory. As soon as they were out of range they heard the birds distant screech and they both sighed in relief.
   "That was awesome! You're brilliant!" Ed turned to Enne, who had a slight blush on her face. He draped an arm over her shoulder and pretended to faint like a damsel, "My hero"
   "Get off me," Enne laughed gently pushing him off. "I can't believe we actually did that"
    "I can't believe YOU did that"
    "We did it together, teamwork!" The two high-fived again. Enne walked ahead to their camp eager to get some sleep after that whole rollercoaster of emotions, wondering about her feelings towards Edmund and how scared she was when he was in danger.
    Unbeknownst to her Ed walked a bit behind her smiling in adoration of this girl who he'd come to fall in love with.


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