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"What the fuck are you doing!" Peter yelled as they dusted themselves off
"I came to save you!"
"Save me? You fell on top of me and now we're both in a hole!"
"Well I have magic so that's something"
"Oh really can your magic get us back up there?" Peter asked sarcastically
"Oh my god I should've just let you fucking rot down here"
"I feel saved already" Peter rolled his eyes
"fuck off it's the thought that counts"
"you are a complete moron"
"I don't see you being of any help here" Nia brought a glow to her palms, lighting up the area, "let's just keep moving"
"Did you hear that?" Enne asked suddenly
"hear what?"
"It was like a crash or something, and I thought I heard faint yelling" Enne looked around
"It was probably nothing, maybe Peter and Nia are yelling at each other so loud we can hear them from here" Ed and Enne laughed at the thought of what those two are doing being stuck with each other.
Enne gently tapped the floor, "We should be careful the floors are hollow too, it'd be easy for it break under our weight"
"Can I ask you something?"
Enne looked apprehensive, "uh sure I guess"
"have you and Nia ever had a big argument"
"uh no not really, why?"
"wait you've never fought?" Enne shook her head and shrugged, "Idk I guess we're just really compatible"
"oh, well I had an argument with Peter the other day, and we didn't talk about it much after that, we kind of just moved passed it"
"Uh I'm not sure how to help you, maybe talk to him I guess?" Enne offered, "wait shh I hear something again," The two fell silent as they heard what sounded like distant yelling.
"That doesn't sound good" Edmund looked around
"At least we know they're alive" Enne looked relieved as they started walking again,
"Edmund! Enne!" The two turned to the side to see Susan and Lucy heading towards them. "I'm glad you guys are safe" The older girl said as they all exchanged hugs.
"Nia and Peter are alive too, we could hear them yelling at each other" Edmund laughed.
They started walking again, Enne secretly tired of being with Edmund for so long, walked with Lucy and played games with her.
A loud snarl and crunch stopped the group dead in their tracks. Ed and Susan drew their weapons and Enne brought her magic to her hands, remembering how her friend described killing the previous shadow walker. It had become dark in the time that they were in the mountain, the light of the sun was no longer there to help them. A creature crawled towards them, it's features resembled the carcass of a cougar except much like the other
shadow walker, it was faceless. Enne, decided to act before the being could get any closer and put her hands to the ground directing her energy towards the creature,
"I see the exit!" Lucy yelled pointing towards an opening. Without staying to see whether or not the beast was killed, the group sprinted towards the opening, where there was just enough sun for them to be safe for now.
Exhausted the four lay on the floor, basking in the light of golden hour waiting for the remaining two to return to them
"Do you think they killed each other" Lucy asked still laying down,
"Uh probably not" Enne chuckled uncertainly.
"Hurry the fuck up I heard something"
"ha you're scared" Nia laughed at the king
"So are you! Don't act like you didn't grab my arm a few minutes ago when we heard that growl" Peter turned to the girl looking smug.
"fuck off I was comforting you because you were obviously scared" Nia shoved him and rolled her eyes. "We've been walking so long, I'd rather have a shadow walker try to kill us"
As if on cue a creature emerged from a tunnel, Peter turned to Nia, "you just had to say it didn't you"
"wait look at it, it's been injured. There's blue light on it, that means it attacked the others too!" The two exchanged a worried look and drew their swords. Nia wanting to try something new, and directed her energy through her sword, then yeeted that motherfucker straight at the shadow walker. She laughed and turned to the boy as the creature disintegrated, "I can't believe that worked" and started walking again. Hanging back the king looked at her in awe for a moment before catching up to her.
Night had fallen and the four set up camp outside the mountain, the fire they started provided enough light to keep the monsters at bay, "where the fuck are they" Susan muttered looking towards the mountain for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"I'm sure they're fine" Enne put her arm on Susan's, "get some food, I'll look out for them"
Thunder boomed and it started to rain, putting out their fire
"oh no" Lucy whispered as they were suddenly plunged into darkness. Enne brought a blue glow to her hands on instinct.
The four stood back to back as the crunch of leaves grew louder and the growls of the creatures got closer. Suddenly a burst of golden light sprung from the ground, scaring the creatures off
"I fucking told you we walked past the mountain" Nia and Peter emerged from the ground, still arguing.
"I was being cautious" the king argued back
"oh please we would've been walking underground all the way to the canyon if I listened to you" Nia stopped, realizing the rest of the group was in front of them
"hey guys what's up" The girls rushed to hug the pair, "Where the hell have you guys been" Enne asked hugging her friend, "oh you know, just thought we'd go for a walk" Nia laughed
Peter looked around and checked the map, "We're about a few hours away from the dark canyons, we'll be there tomorrow"

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