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  Nia and Enne lay in their tent in the late evening, just resting from the chaos of the day.
     "what is it"
      "I kind of feel bad now"
      "oh did you eat too much"
      "no about humiliating Peter" Nia chuckled
      "go apologize then"
     "no that shows weakness"
     "Nia he's one of the good guys remember, and he's the king"
    "ugh" Nia dragged herself up, her body tired from spending the day training and working on their magic. She left the tent, knowing Enne was about to fall asleep she turned out the light.
    Nia looked up at the night sky filled with stars, they never had a view like this because of all the fucking pollution and clouds blocking the stars. She glanced around at the many smaller tents, then turned her gaze towards the 4 larger ones. She made her way across the camp, pausing to appreciate the warmth of the fire and admire the creature she once thought to be fictional.
     The hero paused outside of the kings tent, rethinking her decision. She heard the sound of clashing of metal, like something fell, without thinking she reached forward and opened his tent to see what had happened.
    "are you ok- oh my god" Nia instantly burst into laughter at the sight of Peter in a pile of his armour on the floor. It was clear that he had fallen while trying to take it off.
    "what are you even doing here?" Peter asked angrily
     "well clearly I'm not here for tips on how to take off armour" She said eying him on the ground
      "oh my god what the fuck do you want"
      "well I was gunna-"
       "what are you here to embarrass me again?"
       "no i was actually go-"
       "listen, I know you and your friend think you guys are some big heroes but I know you don't know what you're doing and you're going to get us all killed" Peter scowled.
     "ok first of all I was going to apologize before you so rudely interrupted, but I'm glad I didn't because clearly you are some self righteous brat who can't stand when the spotlight isn't on him and Second of all I'm a better fighter than you, we've all seen it, and Enne and I have fucking magic that we learned to control in a day. So maybe if you would stop wallowing in your own pity you would see that we're here to fucking help you." Nia was fuming as she turned and stomped out of the tent, leaving the king equally as mad. That's the last time I feel sorry for that no good piece of shit stupid whor-
     "hey Nia" Susan smiled as she started to walk with her, "you look pissed, did you go talk with Pete"
     "uh yea kinda" Nia looked as though she was going to say something else but held her tongue.
    The two walked in silence for a bit before coming to a stop outside of Nia's tent.
   "I know he's a bit hotheaded but he means no harm" Susan tried explaining her brother's behaviour, "he's had to go through a lot being king and all"
    "Yea I can understand that, maybe my raw power is just too much for him to handle" Nia laughed lightening the mood. The girls exchanged farewells and went to sleep.
     Nia woke up in immense pain from the workout of the day before
    "ENNE can u heal me" she asked unmoving from her spot in her bed
    "how many time do I have to tell you to not overwork yourself" Enne chastised
     "you have not once said that"
     "it was implied" After Nia was healed the two head out
     "Nia, Enne, come. we must discuss plans of the war and your roles in it"
    "getting right to business huh" Nia sighed as they entered the tent with Aslan
Nia made eye contact with Peter and simply looked away, still tired from the night before.
    "The darkness has taken over the west" one of the soldiers started, "the plants have started dying and the animals fleeing to the east in search of food and shelter"
    "how are we supposed to defeat.. death?" Enne asked, now nervous about their task.
    "Nia, Enne you two must travel south and find the orb of light that lays in the dark canyons" everyone turned their attention towards the two girls, "Once you get the orb, you'll have to combine your powers to ignite it, we can use it to hold back the dark forces"
    "Nia we'll need you on the front lines and Enne needs to be ready to heal many as soon as possible" a centaur spoke, "so you two need to leave today for the orb"
     "I'm going with them" Susan suddenly chimed in, "they're going to need all the help they can get" a chorus of disagreeing murmurs echoed throughout the tent
   "No." Peter spoke sternly, before he could speak again Lucy spoke up, "As the kings and queens of Narnia it is our duty to protect our kingdom"
    "fine then we'll all go" Peter glared at them, a soldier started to object but was quickly shut up by a glare from the high king himself, "if we leave now we can make it back in 6 days tops". With that the group started to dissipate in preparation or their journey and war to come.

   "And where the fuck is Edmund"

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