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"Nia did you get that?" Enne asked her zoned out friend.
"Huh? Oh you lost me at 'So here's the plan'"
"That was the beginning of the conversation!"
"Well it's not my fault Peter doesn't have more of a charismatic presentation voice"
"Guys, ok I'll summarize," Edmund interrupted, "basically we're gunna get you to confront Caspian and we're hoping he does that thing all villains do where they explain their whole plan and we'll have Susan hiding with us and she'll hear"
"Hold up, 1. That's a stupid idea and 2. Why me?"
"Because if he gets mad he probably won't be able to seriously harm you," Peter explained
"That's the stupidest fucking plan I have ever heard"
"Do you have a better one?" Enne looked at her,

"Heyy Casp my old buddy" Nia walked up beside the prince, "Lets uh go for a walk?"
Caspian gave her a look of slight suspicion, "Sure I guess?"

The two started walking around, Nia trying to figure out how to bring up the fact that she knows he's evil.
"So um, here's the thing," She stopped walking, "You and your uncle should probably learn how to close the doors when you talk"
Confusion flashed across Caspians face, quickly replaced with realization.
"So you heard our plan to kill the High King"
Huh that was easy Nia thought to herself, glancing around she expected the other five to come out from behind the wall, a few moments passed but no one was there. "What the fuck" Nia whispered to herself.
"I bet you're wondering where your little friends are?" Nia's head whipped towards the king in shock. "Let's continue our walk shall we?" The prince gestured forward with his arm, the two started walking again.
The girl was silent, not knowing what the hell is going on. "Funny thing, you advised me to close the doors, when you yourselves don't remember"
"Well that explains that" Nia said rubbing her forehead, "So what's the plan here Caspian, you're gunna get rid of the whole subtle play?"
"Precisely" Caspian opened the doors to the great hall revealing the five of her friends at sword point.
"I knew this was a stupid plan"
"Hey Susan, sorry about your boyfriend" Nia said to the girl as she was pushed down next to her.
"Yea I guess Peter was right"
"God don't let him hear you say that, his ego is big enough"
"Why aren't you more concerned with the situation we're in?" Susan asked confused at her friend's behaviour.
Nia grinned, "I figured this would happen"
The girl managed to make eye contact with Enne from across the room, subtly nodding at her. "Hey Su you might wanna close your eyes for a sec."
Susan turned away as both Nia and Enne summoned their magic in a great blast, temporarily blinding the prince's guards. With their captors distracted, Lucy bolted for the door where an army of Aslans guards stood.

"Thank god we made the new plan" Edmund shook his head as Caspian and his uncle were captured and their army was detained.
"What do we do with them?" Peter asked turning to Nia
"Public execution?" Nia offered, quickly shut down by a look from the king. "kidding..kinda" the girl rolled her eyes.

The two watched Enne and Lucy comfort Susan on the stairs outside the hall.
"I don't know how to help her," Peter sighed sadly, "I wish we could've prevented this sooner" Edmund joined in looking as helpless as the king. Nia remained quiet, slipping away to let the brothers have their moment.

Soon she was joined by Enne as they watched the four siblings hug and comfort their sister.
"Welp" Nia sighed.
"Welp?" Enne asked looking confused at her friend
"It's like well except spicier. Honestly don't know what else to say in this situation" She shrugged
"Maybe not welp"
"Yea fair enough"


"So back to war prep huh?" Nia looked
over at Peter who nodded slightly, at the dinner table later that night.
"Still don't know why you let him go" Ed shot Peter a look, soon stopped by Nia kicking him in the shin. Enne and Lucy were eating dinner with Susan in her room because she didn't feel like coming to the hall. Peter and Edmund looked tired and distressed at the thought of not being able to do anything to make their sister feel better. Nia looked at the two, suddenly an idea came to mind.

"Garden in half an hour. Tell the girls"

The two royals looked confused at her sudden outburst but went and told the girls.

"What are we doing?" Susan groaned not happy about being dragged outside at night.
"honestly I'm not sure" Ed shrugged.
"Where's Lu?" Enne asked remembering the little girl wasn't with them.
"Nia needed her for something" Susan sighed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Pulling her hands away as they entered the garden, she saw lights, blankets and a fort set up. Grinning ear to ear was Nia and Lucy giggling with snacks and drinks.

"TA DAA" The two yelled.

Susan smiled as she took in the garden adorned with magical lights that lit up the previously dark garden.
"Outside sleepover!" Lucy exclaimed grabbing Susan and Enne's arms dragging them to the fort.

"You are a child" Peter smiled as Nia walked over to him and Edmund.
"I think you mean I'm brilliant" the girl smirked up at the king. Ed looked between the two and left, hiding a smirk. He was definitely going to tell Enne about this exchange over their chess game tomorrow.
Nia linked her arm through Peter's, resting her head on his arm.
"You are brilliant" The boy whispered, bringing a blush to the girls cheeks.
"Shut up" she waved off dragging him towards the fort.

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