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Nia struggled to breath as the walls closed in around her, straining as she tried to get out she started to grow weaker. The pounding in her head grew louder and louder as her air supply lessened. The pressure on her chest grew stronger as if she was being compressed by a giant weight. Faintly she barely registered a distant noise of what sounded like footsteps.
   Her quiet strained voice could be heard breaking the silence of the dark cave.
The girl felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness. Is this what death feels like, she thought to herself as a feeling of peace washed over her, Not as bad as I thought it would be. Finally, she let herself submit to the comatose state she was fighting against.


Peter woke up with a jolt as he felt the ground under him shift, looking around it was too dark to see any of his surroundings but both his hand and feet were bound in front of him. Bringing his hand to his head he felt around for any serious injuries. His hand came away wet, Damnit I'm bleeding that can't be good, he groaned silently as he started to feel his other injuries as the fogginess wore off. Quickly assessing his state he had determined that something or someone had stabbed him in the side and arm.
How long have I been out, there's no way to tell down here. Peter softly groaned as he tried to move. Carefully he brought his wrists up to his mouth, slowly loosening the rope binding him before moving to rope on his legs.
Quietly the king got up and felt around for some sort of exit. The walls, from what he could tell, was made of rock unlike the walls from earlier. He tried to stay on task but his mind drifted. The more he remembered what happened, the more the panic set in. He remembered her screaming for him as the walls started to pull her in. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. Overwhelmed by anxiety, Peter sat on the floor with his back against the cold rock, he let his head fall between his knees as he tried to calm himself to slow his heart rate.

He'd been through so many battles before, so why was this one different? Why was this one making him feel so scared? The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in love. And the girl he was in love with could be dead at this very moment.
That thought didn't do much to help him feel better. It did however, manage to get him on his feet to continue looking for his way out. I'm going to find her and we'll be ok, he thought to himself, pushing the feelings of dread to the far corners of his mind.


Nia awoke again, this time chained to a wall. She was just so tired, even when she had finally began to believe that the pain was over, she woke up and was forced to feel it all again. Her body had been put through so much, she'd lost count of the days she'd spent in this cell.
The first time she had woken up here she screamed her lungs raw, for hours on end she'd try to escape, hoping that someone would show up, but no one ever did. The second time she woke up was to a clanging against her cell, it was then did she finally get a good look at her captors.
She stifled her scream into a small whimper what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck was the mantra that repeated in her head.
The tall skinny creature looked as though someone vacuum sealed skin onto bones, it's looming figure hovered over her from the upper left corner, and for the first time she felt glad that she was in this cell. Eventually exhaustion overcame her again and she drifted back into darkness.
What felt like days went by in routine, awoken by searing pain in her side or leg she would see one of those creatures and their godforsaken claws dig into her, then leave just like that. One day she swore she heard them talking, something about a meal that escaped? As much as she tried, she couldn't focus enough on the words they were speaking and at this point she didn't want to. She just wanted it to be over, she wanted to see Peter, God did she miss him. And Enne, she would give anything to see her again, possibly for the last time.
Silently she let the tears fall and the fear take over, there's no point in acting strong now. It was just her alone, and deep inside, she knew that it will all be over soon.

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