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   Enne turned over in her sleeping mat to face the ceiling of the tent she shared with Edmund.
   "Can't sleep?" Ed asked sleepily
   "Yea just had a bad feeling, it's probably nothing though don't worry" she waved him off.
    Ed looked at the girl for a moment before getting up and offering her his hand, "let's go for a walk"
    "Ed it's like 2am, we shouldn't be wandering the forest in the dark"
    "Live a little," he chucked grabbing Enne's hand and forcing her to her feet.
   "It'll take your mind off that bad feeling you had earlier, which I'm sure is nothing"
  Reluctantly Enne got up and wiped the sleep from her eyes, together the two started walking along a river nearby guided by glowing blue birds that Enne made from her magic.

    "You know, the first time we really talked was at night by water with your magic as light," Edmund commented with a smile.
   Enne thought back to that moment and smiled, "yeah look at us now" she laughed lightly, swinging their interlocked hands. "Who would've thought I would save your life countless times" Enne mock bragged
   "Hey I would save your life too if I had super powers"
   "It's not super powers, it's uh magic?"
   Both of them laughed at how silly it sounded out loud as they continued their walk. Eventually they stopped near a small waterfall and pond where the river ended. The area was lit up by fireflies and Enne's magic creating a neon blue glow across the water. The two sat by the edge of the water talking about nothing and just taking a moment to put aside all responsibilities they have.
   "Let's go swimming!" Ed suddenly suggested
   "No" Enne replied instantly turning to face him, "Not a chance"
   Ed was already removing his shoes and shirt as he got ready to get in, Enne quickly turned away blushing. He laughed at her response before taking a running start into the pond, splashing Enne in the process.
   He resurfaced grinning, "Well you're already wet now, might as well come in"
   "You're something else" Enne shook her head laughing, "I'm still not getting in though"
    "Suit yourself," Ed said as he submerged himself back into the water.
  "You won't be laughing this much when you catch a cold," Enne called from the shore, earning another splash in her direction.
    Ed swam up to the ledge and rested his head on his crossed arms next to where Enne was sitting.
   "Are you feeling better?" He asked seriously. Enne smiled and poked his cheek, "Yea thanks," Ed hopped out of the pool and sat next to the girl. "I'm just worried about the others, how dangerous of a situation they could be in and we'd never know"
    "Hey" Ed gently grabbed her chin causing the girl to face him, "I'm sure everyone is safe,"
    "But if they weren't we can't even find them because we split the map so we all had our own locations and nothing else-
    "You're overthinking again, Lucy and Susan are getting flower petals, how hard could that be? They're probably having the time of their lives over there. And Peter and Nia are fighters, you should know this. They're really annoying about it" Ed laughed easing some of the tension, "As long as they're together they'll be ok"
     "I guess you're right" Enne sighed and smiled at the boy, "thanks"
    After spending some time by the pond the two finally decided to get some sleep eager to reunite with their group in the following days.

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