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"You guys aren't coming with us in the canyon" Nia looked at the Pevensies, "It's not safe and we can't protect all of us"
Enne nodded in agreement patting Lucy's head, "we'll be back before you know it" she whispered comforting the younger girl.
"No" Peter started, earning a groan from Nia. "It's not up for debate" The girl held eye contact before heading in the tent.
"And since when do you make the rules?" Peter asked following her inside,
"Oh? You think it's a good idea to endanger all of your siblings?"
"No but we're safer together, in a group"
"Peter I said No that's final"
The king grabbed Nia's elbow, turning her towards him. The two stared at each other, faces set with stubborn determination.
"Peter you know I'm right" She said pushing him lightly, "besides what happened to oh i'm big shot king and your gunna get us all killed" Nia teased to ease the tension.
Peter laughed lightly, "maybe you know what you're doing after all". It was quiet for a moment, both unsure of this new change in their dynamic.
"don't go getting all soft on me now" Nia, laughed rolling her eyes
"I would Never!" Peter said in mock offence, "You're like an infection, because you're starting to grow on me" He looked at her trying not to grin at his own joke.
"that was the worst joke I have ever heard get the fuck out right now." Nia deadpanned.
"Guys I'm bored" Lucy complained
"Lu go to sleep" Ed whispered
"Hey does anyone wanna play a game" The youngest continued
"Fuck yea!"
"Yes!" Enne clapped excitedly,
"Nia, Enne don't encourage her" Susan rolled her eyes
"No I will! I saw a clearing up ahead, we can play tag!!" Nia said sitting up. Enne and Lucy both got up too and started putting on their shoes.
"guys it's so late at night and you have to do important stuff in the morning" Susan groaned as Enne went to grab her hands and drag her out of bed.
"It'll be fun!" Enne promised excitedly watching Lucy go wake up Edmund.
"you need to grow up" Peter said burying his face in his pillows
"No You need to grow back down again!" Nia exclaimed pulling the king's blanket off and hitting him in the head with a pillow.
Soon the six of them were headed to a field nearby. Lucy, Nia, and Enne, ran ahead laughing and giggling like little kids
"You're IT!" Nia yelled as she ran back to the three, ruffling Ed's hair
"Hey no fair," The dark haired boy shoved his brother, "Pete's IT!"
And just like that the stress of the quest was long forgotten, replaced with the childhood innocence and fun that they all desperately needed. They played for hours until the sun peaked out from behind the mountain, before finally laying side by side in the grass exhausted yet still smiling.
Peter looked over at the rest of the group smiling as the words of Aslan played in his mind. The lion had a way of always being right.
Enne woke up early in the morning nudging her friend awake.
"hey cmon we need to leave soon" she whispered, careful not to wake the siblings.
"ok, maybe playing tag late at night was a bad idea" Nia whispered back, dragging herself out of bed. Softly the two gathered things they would need, leaving enough for the others when they woke up. The two had planned to leave early the night before so that they could avoid the Pevensie siblings trying to convince the girls to let them come. Nia and Enne knew how dangerous the quest would be and they weren't sure what to expect from the dark canyons, they didn't want to put their friends in danger like that.
Quietly the two looked around for what could be the last time at the mini camp they set up. Enne turned to her friend, the nerves finally setting in"This was for the best yea?" Nia smiled back at her and pulled her in for a hug, "yea."
Peter woke up late into the day, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The tent was empty so he assumed everyone was up and outside already. Still feeling the effects from the night before, he was tired yet happy, he smiled to himself before getting ready. Exiting the tent he saw his siblings gathered around their bag "what's going on" He asked the smile dropping from his face, and feeling the worry deep back in
"they're gone." Susan spoke quietly, holding up a note
"Be back Soon xoxo - EnneNia ps Nia hid Peter's bag, but it's just behind the firewood - don't tell her I told you"
Peter sighed, walking over to get his bag, on top was a smaller folded note, he smiled slightly as he opened it

"to peter,

fuck u

luv Nia"

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