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No ones POV
   After the incident of shaking hands with naoto, it was confirmed that the handshake is what brought him back. And not just that but he did change the future.

   "Hm? Whose this?" Naoto asked while he was helping takemichi find any way to contact mikey. "Hm?" Takemichi looked at the computer and thought "no way, thats akkun" he said. "You know him?" Naoto asked "yeah he's my friend from middle school" takemichi said."hm thats weird" naoto whispered.

   "Could it be..." Takemichi started and in sync they both said it outloud. "Because the past was changed?" They discussed for a while "maybe if you contact him you might be able to get in contact with mikey, he is a manager right?" Naoto asked. "Yeah! Naoto your so smart!" Takemichi said Naoto just had a blush and a prideful smile. "Let me call him and well get there" takemichi said happily.

   And so he did he walked up to the building a huge luxury building. "Hehe its just Akkun no time to get scared" takemichi talked to himself.  "He told you to come here?" Naoto said checking out the building. "Yeah lets go in!" Takemichi entered and a person asked. "Welcome what is your name?" He was dressed in white and plenty of beautiful ladies where at the side. "We have an appointment with sendou-san" takemichi said. "You and our president?... Hey! Some shabby looking guy is here. Does he have an appointment with the president?" Naoto was holding in his laugh.

   They waited for him, "akkun is akkun" he was saying. "Takemichi behind you" he turned behind and looked "you aint changed a bit, takemichi" akkun smiled. "Akkun?" He asked, "didnt recognize me, huh?" He asked "y-yeah" tamemichi answered. "I thought about calling you earlier but it was so nostalgic seeing you i forgot how to speak" akkun smiled at him and so did takemichi. "You wanted to meet up with mikey right? Ive been waiting so long for you Takemichi" akkun said. "Huh?"

   "Do you mind if we speak alone, the two of us outside?" Akkun asked "ill wait here, be careful takemichi" naoto said. "Dont worry ill be okay, its akkun" takemichi smiled. Once outside akkun hugged takemichi tight. "Man ive missed you so much takemichi" akkun said "oow too tight" takemichi said patting akkun on the shoulders to let go. "Hahaha ive always been jealous of mikey, dragen and the gang" akkun stated.

   "Why?" Takemichi asked, "Ater the fight with kiyomasa Mikey and draken kissed you, they did everything ive been wanting to do to you ever since ive met you" akkun said walking up to the front of the edge of the building. "W-what?" Takemichi seemed confused. "Anyways remember that conversation after we split up you wondered what we would be talking about when we fist meet up again?" He asked looking takemitchi straight in the eyes "What if i said im the one who pushed you. . . over there at the train station" 'huh?'

   "You should have died, but Tachibana saved you, so it made me wonder" he paused "could it be that you can time travel?" Akkun said. "Thats it...Thats the only explanation! Right Takemichi!?" Akkun said holding takemichis shoulders and shaking him to answer "Right!? Am i right!?." Takemitchi shoved him "What are you saying? You were always composed and someone who would sacrifice themselves for his friend, the kind and reliable one, you have to be lying. . . you would never try to kill me..." takemichi said inbetween tears.

   "Because akkun is my friend" akkun seemed surprised. "Takemichi, ive suddenly became like this, im now one of kisakis men. And the reason for mikeys change is drakens death. Here i am living with dirty money. Ive always like you takemichi. You always made me feel special, even today i felt extra special, telling tachibana not to worry because your with me. That trust and look in your eyes made me really happy." Akkun said standing on top of the edge of the building then squatting down and faced takemitchi. "A-akkun?" Akkun signaled him to come closer and so takemichi did.

   Akkun reached out and hold takemitchis cheek and kissed his lips. "The one you want to save by returning to the past is her right?. . . she sure is lucky to have you" akkun said tears appearing "Good luck takemitchi, save everyone, i believe in my crybaby hero" akkun offered him one last smile "no akku-"  then he pushed takemichi, akkun fell facing the night sky.

   Takemitchi stood up quickly to look at akkun blood splatter all over the floor a crowd crowding around him. "Ah-Akk-" takemichi fell onto his knees. "Agh" he didnt know what was happening he was shaking miserably. "AAAAAAH!!!" He screamed his voice cracking as tears started to fall "akkun! Come back! Please!!!" He sobbed like never before. "Akkun" he said tears falling down his cheek.

   Police came by afterwards investigating the scene "leave him alone for now" naoto said. "Its okay they want to interview me right?" Takemichi asked. "Takemichi-kun dont push yourself rest for a little" naoto patt his back. "While they are interviewing me, do some research on Ruuguuji Ken. It was kisaki tetta who turned touman an evil organization" naoto gulped and listen carefully. "Naoto, I. . . Draken a-and Akkun and Hina I want to save all of them, i dont want them to die" he said tears falling and hitting the ground evetually creating a pile of tears.

   'I cant afford to lose them, i cant let them go! I have to save them all! Even if it means the future would be better if i were dead. Ill gladly die for each and every one of them.' Takemitchi thought and so their plans now were to save Draken, and change touman.

I will be changing and adding "fillers" ig you could say, im adding these extra chapters because i want more takemitchi romance with everyone.

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