Lexi (mind): "no but you were more than happy to screw around with my life." As Crowe closes and stabs Death's Omen into the ground.

Crowe (mind): "Lexi..." He says as that actually hurt to hear but Lexi interrupts him.

Lexi (mind): "I'll tell Dante of your discovery of this Athorazen thing but till then? Don't die, I wanna kick your ass." She says as Crowe slowly smirks having perverted which Lexi sees that disgusts her to the core. "Ugh! Get out of my head!" She says while ending the telepathic link.

Crowe: "hmph... Technically you were in my head." He says walking off. Lexington meanwhile is waiting patiently in a room to take his test when Roxanne, Cedric and Dante arrive.

Lexington: "I... Thought there'd only be one." He says surprised as three take note of his nervousness.

Dante: "we three while experienced know very specific things about specific topics." He says as Lexington nods but is still nervous.

Roxanne: "relax Lex it's only a couple questions." She says rather motherly like as Lexington nods having calmed down. "Okay firstly, what are the weaknesses of a werewolf?" She asks as Lexington clears his throat.

Lexington: "well silver is the clear weakness, but others are wolfsbane when applied to a blade or magic that relate to fire in some manner."

Roxanne: "nicely done, so you did pay attention?" She asks whilst smirking as Lexington scratches the back of his head.

Cedric: "what kind of creature is serpent like but can spit poison and kill a person with just a glance in the eyes?" He asks as Lexington is slightly unsure as his first guess was Gorgon but knows they don't spit poison.

Lexington: "basilisk?" He asks with uncertainty as Cedric stares wanting him to be more confident in his answer. "Well... Gorgon's turn those to stone, I know a basilisk isn't capable of that." He says as Cedric seems more satisfied with that answer.

Cedric: "what material do huntsman and huntresses use for their weapons?" He asks as Lexington doesn't hesitate.

Lexington: "black steel, one of the only magical metals that exists." He says as Cedric nods and lets Dante continue.

Dante: "if the opportunity were to ever occur, how would you deal with a dragon?" He asks as Lexington is silent unsure how to answer but gets the impression Dante is asking cause his ancestors killed dragons.

Lexington: "well... In my case, Lightning would be my best option, take out it's wings and then it's eyes." He says as Dante is impressed with Lex's logic.

Dante: "not that you have to worry as dragons now reside in the east thanks to your ancestors but your logic is sound." He says as he then gets an interesting question. "If you were to face the Demon King... What would your main objective be?" He says as Cedric and Roxanne look over at Dante.

Roxanne: "Dante that's a rather intimidating question don't you think?" She asks as Lexington motions that it's okay.

Lexington: "well... In my current position, I couldn't beat him in a head-on fight, so my main goal would be to make sure everyone gets out okay... Even if it meant mine being at risk." He says as Dante smiles slightly.

Dante: "I'm you didn't lie to yourself, many recruits think we value bravery which we do but we also value intelligence... Glad to see you're not stupid." He says as Lexington nervously appreciating the compliment. "Thank you for your cooperation Lex, you may leave." He says as Lexington nods taking his leave.

Cedric: "think he'll live up to being a huntsman? I like the kid but he's too timid I feel."

Roxanne: "he'll grow out of it, what do you think Dante?" She asks curiously as Dante gets out of his seat and twirls his cane around.

Dante: "in all my years? Lex is possibly the most interesting recruit I've ever had and that's saying a lot, I can only hope Lex makes the right choices." He says leaving as Cedric and Roxanne look at each other.

Cedric: "you got a minute?" As Roxanne goes to leave but Cedric grabs her arm gently.

Roxanne: "you got three seconds to let go before I-" but Cedric turns her around.

Cedric: "stop being stubborn and listen... I... I'm sorry for killing your sister, I didn't want to do that." He says as Roxanne glares finding his apology to be ridiculous as she punches Cedric against the wall.

Roxanne: "you can take your apology and shove it, why are you so insistent on gaining my damn approval?" As Cedric slowly sits down as Roxanne raises her brow not sure how to think about it.

Cedric: "cause I respect you damn it." He says somewhat snapping and realizes what he said. "And most of all... I understand what it's like to lose a sibling, my older brother Darius died protecting an 8 year old weakling in me and I vowed to make his death mean something." He says as Roxanne sighs heavily multiple times and kneels before him.

Roxanne: "okay so you got survivor's guilt but why do you of all people respect me?" She asks as Cedric looks to the side.

Cedric: "cause even with you losing your sister, you didn't let it drown you... You still found ways to live... I'm just a killer." He says rolling up his sleeve showing the purposely placed scars and touches one specifically. "This one is your sister, if it means anything... Please get rid of it " he says offering his dagger as Roxanne stares unsure what to do.

Roxanne: "Cedric this... I appreciate your honesty and willingness to make things up for me, but me getting rid of that scar won't do much... Your words did a lot more that I'm surprised... Always thought you were as dumb as a brick." She says meaning no offense as Cedric chuckles at this.

Cedric: "women I've met often found that charming, but you're more harder to appease, hope Alec's up for the challenge." He says as Roxanne shakes her head and helps him up.

Roxanne: "heh he certainly tries." She implies as Cedric tries his best not putting his mind in the gutter.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now