Chapter 40

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Forever in my life

💜The Artist Formally Known As Prince💜December 24,1993

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💜The Artist Formally Known As Prince💜
December 24,1993

Beverly Hills, California

It was Armanda's Day, my Queen was turning 25. I wanted her day to be the best. Three days ago, her, Cat, Coco, Boni and her mother flew out to Beverly Hills. I flew in yesterday to get everything ready for tonight. I was throwing a surprise party for her. All her old friends along with her new friends, some of her family members and some of mine were here. Behind her back, I rented out a whole fancy hotel for everybody to stay at. Michael was at Neverland with the kids since I knew Armanda didn't trust anybody with her children.

Today just had to be special for her. Nobody was going to ruin it. I had Robia and Lori with me to help decorate the ball room faster. I didn't hire any decorators only the cooks. I knew it would be kids (so I had them their own little area) since people were spending Christmas in California this year. Lori was working on. Robia was working on the table, I was on wall duty. The ballroom was white, gold, and pink with little shades of purple. Armanda loved well decorated places, so this place had to be decked out.

I had my assistant run off pictures of Armanda so I can place them all over the walls. It was all about her. This was a part of my appreciation for her. On this day 6 years ago, I asked her to be my girlfriend after her being my bestfriend for a certain amount of time. She made me the happiest man alive. I loved everything about her, every single detail.

The way she loved the little things like: little notes I leave for her to let her know she's on my mind. How I send her white roses just because I knew it made her smile. The way she wakes up everything morning, she'll start having a sneezing spell that make her sneeze about a good twenty times before she can turn over and say good morning. The way she gets happy when her favorite meal is served. When she gets mad she'll come to me and cuddle up next to me and play with my hair. The way she'll sing Kyomi to sleep or whenever Kyomi is fussy. How she makes up songs while Amiir is practicing on his piano. The way she supported me through it all.

She was my soulmate. My Forever. My Lover, My Bestfriend. My Everything. I love her. I couldn't see myself with anybody else. All I ever wanted was a successful career, a loyal woman by my side and a family.

"All done! She's going to love this!" Robia smiles.

"You out done yourself this time Prin-. My bad" Lori giggles.

"I'll let it slide this time. Armanda is still having trouble with it too" I chuckle. One day Armanda really needed me and kept calling me Prince. So I like to play around and ignore her til she gets my name right.

"Oh my gosh!" She screamed from upstairs. Next thing you know Amiir was running downstairs with a bag full of candy. Had to be Michael that gave him that.

Forever In My Life  *Prince*Where stories live. Discover now