Chapter 18

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I'm here to tell you that I'm at that road And I'd rather walk it With you than walk it alone

I'm here to tell you that I'm at that road And I'd rather walk it With you than walk it alone

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April 22,1988
Same Day

"Prince you okay?" Ingrid asked.

"I'm fine"

I guess I zoned out while thinking about Armanda. She was upset earlier. They had a great idea though, the rumors would bring in more money for me and the movie. I wish she would've understood that. It's not like me and Kim would be having sex. I would never do that. I cheated on Armanda once and I'll never do it again. I'm not risking my relationship for anything.

"I got to run. Thanks for helping me" Ingrid said walking out the door.

I sighed laying back in my seat. What am I going to do?

"Hello Prince?"

I turned around and saw Kim.

"Yes Kim?"

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble earlier, I just want the best for everyone" She apologized.

"It's fine. Armanda is a hot head" I chuckled. Kim came and sat next to me. "Since we're going to be working with each other we should get to know each other more"

 "Since we're going to be working with each other we should get to know each other more"

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"Shit I forgot my jacket" I cursed. I quickly ran back into studio b to get it.

The door was half open so I figured Prince wasn't inside. I looked in and was wrong he was there. Prince was inside locking lips with Kim. I gasped quietly then ran out. I didn't know what to do. Do I confront them? Do I run and tell Armanda? Prince was my boss and Armanda was my bestfriend. If Armanda saw Morris cheating she would tell me and she would also run in swinging on both of them. I may be from Chicago but I wasn't the fighting type. I only fought when I had too.

I peeped back inside the studio and heard Prince talking.

"I'm sorry that wasn't suppose to happen. Armanda is going to kill me!" He stressed.

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