Chapter 28

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You can make right

You can make right

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"So your parents are getting a divorce?" I asked Mayte. She was telling me about her parents.

"Yea, my dad's been cheating on her" she explained. "I hate it. My mom was so attached to him and he just let her down. I hate men like that don't get me wrong but I love my dad but he can be a dumbass"

"I use to be a big time cheater before I met Armanda. I cheated on her once and never did it again. I couldn't bare to loose her." I told Mayte. Sometimes I feel bad for always bitching at Armanda. We can't never have a conversation without arguing. I hate that I take my stress from the label and throw it Armanda.

"Prince is it true you fucked Carmen? That's what she's been telling people"

"What?" I didn't know of this. I never fucked Carmen a day in my life. I haven't fucked anybody but Armanda Anastasia Kings-Nelson. "I didn't fuck her. I would never do that to Armanda."

"Oh I'm sorry then what about Nona?" She asked. Is this what's going around Paisley Park?

"Again never fucked. I'm loyal to Armanda. I wouldn't do her like that." I sat back in my seat. The studio door was open I saw a shadow go pass. It probably was my son he's always running around here. He wasn't going to come inside though. He didn't like Mayte, he's been around Armanda too much.

Speaking of Armanda she just busted into the studio door looking pissed. Mayte was already kinda afraid of Armanda so she flinched a little.

"Hi Lady Nelson" She said. Her voice was kinda shaky.

"Hi Mayte. Prince may I have a word with you?" Boy she was angry. I wonder who pissed in her grits.

"I'll be right back." I said getting up. I led Armanda down the hall to my office. "What's up?"

"What's this I'm hearing about a divorce?"she asked as I sat in my chair picking up a magazine.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Amiir said you and Mayte were talking about a divorce. I know we have been fussing a lot lately but you're getting a divorce?"

I looked up at her. I knew I shouldn't do this but I had to get some fun out of it. The makeup sex after would be nice.

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