Chapter 15

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La da da da da da da da

La da da da da da da da

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〰️Michael Jackson〰️

After we rushed Armanda to the hospital, the doctors took her to the back. Nobody wasn't allowed back there. Due to us being famous we went to the private part of the hospital. It's been a couple of hours and we heard nothing. Prince along with his band was here expect for the one Manda knocked out. Coco came along with her mother. I was shocked to see Momma Kings here.

"Michael is she okay? What happened?" Momma Kings came up to me asking.

"She's pregnant it's a high risk pregnancy. She went to tell Prince and saw him and the dancer dancing inappropriately on the stage. A lot happened during the short amount of time. She punched him in the mouth and on her way other she knocked out the drummer the passed out. I'm scared for her, she wasn't suppose to be stressing. The doctor told her she has a high blood pressure" I explained

"Thanks for being there for her Applehead" Her mother kissed my cheek then walked over for Prince. He was in the corner with his head in his hand.

"Mike I know things aren't that good between us but I'm glad you were there for my sister" Coco mumbled.

"I'll do anything for her and you. I love you both" I half smiled.

Me and Coco broke up 2 weeks ago on the tour. Things weren't right between us. We needed time apart. I still loved her and we were still close, we just didn't talk as much.

"Family of Armanda Kings?" The doctor called out.

Me and Prince rushed to the doctor with her mom and sister behind us.

"How is she?" Me and Prince asked at the same time. The doctor looked stunned seeing the both of us at the same place

"Armanda is okay but" he sighed.

"The baby's gone isn't it?" Coco asked.

"I'm sorry but yes. Her blood pressure was very high she had a miscarriage" He responded.

"This is your fault!" Momma Kings shouted at Prince slapping him.

"Can we see her?" Prince asked.

"They can but you can't. She told me not to let you in the back" The doctor shrugged. I walked to the back and saw my bestfriend holding a teddy bear.

"Mike I lost it" she cried. I ran up to her and hugged her. She sobbed into my arms.

"Let it out. I'm sorry" I sniffed. I didn't realize I was crying too.

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